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Gulf Oil - This will scare people

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Doesn't US law limit the bill to the company responsible at $75 million? ....which BP have, voluntarily, already exceeded by a huge amount just in trying to cut off the leak; and they're not even the company responsible.


I'm sure the BP wont pay what it should as its par for the course that these big corporations always get away with murder


We bailed out AIG, General Motors, Chrysler, Bank of America so why not let BP get away with a paltry 75 million plus and Joe Sucker will pay the balance


I dont think though that it will be good for Obama if BP do end up paying only 75 million or a bit more People are angry enough as it is and if it does happen that the taxpayers will be lumbered with paying off? You guess... 75 billion? Obama will be in real trouble. The disappointing numbers in new jobs just out today have caused the stock market to plummet and many voters are asking why the stimulus package hasnt still produced the number of new jobs he promised before the election so he's already on shaky ground with much of the electorate.


I think in light of this that he will lower the boom on BP and make them pay the cost of all this one way or another.


Tony Hayward the man who said "We dont have the tools in the tool box to deal with this" is now appearing on American TV with a three minute pre recorded a message laden with apologies and assurances that everything is being done to deal with the situation. Pundits meanwhile are saying that the leak could go on until the end of August at least.


If BP are not responsible for the catastrophe Tony Hayward is sure acting like a man who believes they are responsible

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I'm sure the BP wont pay what it should as its par for the course that these big corporations always get away with murder


We bailed out AIG, General Motors, Chrysler, Bank of America so why not let BP get away with a paltry 75 million plus and Joe Sucker will pay the balance


I dont think though that it will be good for Obama if BP do end up paying only 75 million or a bit more People are angry enough as it is and if it does happen that the taxpayers will be lumbered with paying off? You guess... 75 billion? Obama will be in real trouble. The disappointing numbers in new jobs just out today have caused the stock market to plummet and many voters are asking why the stimulus package hasnt still produced the number of new jobs he promised before the election so he's already on shaky ground with much of the electorate.


I think in light of this that he will lower the boom on BP and make them pay the cost of all this one way or another.


Tony Hayward the man who said "We dont have the tools in the tool box to deal with this" is now appearing on American TV with a three minute pre recorded a message laden with apologies and assurances that everything is being done to deal with the situation. Pundits meanwhile are saying that the leak could go on until the end of August at least.


If BP are not responsible for the catastrophe Tony Hayward is sure acting like a man who believes they are responsible


There's a subtext to this whole story though isn't there. Why was the rig there in the first place drilling what they knew for ages was going to be a problematic well.


The bottom line is BP is there, sanctioned and sponsored by the US government, to help satisfy the demand for oil in the US. There are 4,000 rigs in the gulf :o. This was an accident waiting to happen. They know accidents will happen. They have a whole industry sector that tidies up after accidents and after conflicts.

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