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Who Owns The Bank Of England?

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The entire capital of The Bank of England is actually held by Paul Jenkins.


He can't do much with it, though.



i can see you did not take my adivce & read up about "central banks"


so again i will make this as simple as i can:


BoE creates money = we receive money = we in massive interest compound debt

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It might be this that the OP is thinking of?


Twelve regional privately-owned Federal Reserve Banks




wow you guys are only wiki literate arent you? do you ever use any other forms of information?








if you can prove any of the above facts wrong i will delete this thread & account.

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wow you guys are only wiki literate arent you? do you ever use any other forms of information?



Wiki is the easiest to find, and it's accurate often enough to be used to settle most things.


Meanwhile, since cgksheff has already proven you wrong, I'll say goodbye, on the assumption that you're holding to your promise and deleting your account.

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Whether there is a conspiracy or not (and I don't think there is - the banking system and the history of banking and usury in general is not hidden from anyone! It's just how business has always been done), I agree that there is the problem of compound interest.


The New Economics Foundation published a report that warned of the unnecessary weight on our economy caused by the fact that some 90% of our currency in circulation has been privately created (i.e. loaned via fractional reserve based accounting entries), and therefore most of our society's purchasing power is derived from usurious credit sources.


As for the shareholdings, I think the OP may be referring to the Bank of England Nominees holding account...


"Bank of England Nominees Limited was granted an exemption by Edmund Dell, Secretary of State for Trade, from the disclosure requirements under Section 27(9) of the Companies Act 1976 , because, “it was considered undesirable that the disclosure requirements should apply to certain categories of shareholders.” The Bank of England is also protected by its Royal Charter status, and the Official Secrets Act.




Banking reform is a huge subject and although yes, there are some unhelpful conspiracy theories out there, everyone should take time to understand how money is created in our banking system and where all this interest is going (offshore trusts mostly).

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The Bank of England was nationalised in 1946 and is wholly owned by the UK Government.


Just found this confirming you are correct.


Update: For some reason, many people think the Bank of England is privately owned by the Rothschilds. (There is a similar conspiracy theory about the US Federal Reserve). I wrote to the Bank of England and asked for clarification. This was there reply.

The Bank of England is the central bank of the United Kingdom and was established as a corporate body by Royal Charter under the Bank of England Act 1694. The Bank was nationalised on 1 March 1946, and gained operational independence to set interest rates in 1997 (the Bank of England Act 1998 Part II sets out the responsibilities and objectives of the Bank in relation to monetary policy).

The Bank is a public sector institution, wholly-owned by the government, but accountable to Parliament. The entire capital of the Bank is, in fact, held by the Treasury solicitor on behalf of HM Treasury. Each year, the Bank is required to submit its Report and Accounts to Parliament, via the Chancellor of the Exchequer. For more information you may be interested to see the Bank’s latest Report and Accounts, which can be found on our website at:

As to the supposed ‘Rothschild’ connection, I don’t know why people should think that the family own us. But a number of the Rothschilds have served on the Bank’s Court of Directors over the years.




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Wiki is the easiest to find, and it's accurate often enough to be used to settle most things.


Meanwhile, since cgksheff has already proven you wrong, I'll say goodbye, on the assumption that you're holding to your promise and deleting your account.


wiki is written by people who have their own ideas on a subject witch is often right but on this occasion cgksheff is right , but then again heading north seems to be an authority on nearly everything, only my opinion like wiki no offence meant heading north

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