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Who Owns The Bank Of England?

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This is so typical... the Jewish conspiracy theorist identifies many salient points about systemic corruption etc. and then completely discredits his own observations by pointing the finger at a profile of the financial elite that is completely irrelevant to the cause.


Do you honestly think Jews in the ghettos around the world are thinking "well thank goodness my brothers are doing well for the Jewish people on Wall Street"?


It's a class issue, and I would go as far as to say that Jewish conspiracy theories are doing those in charge the fine service of distracting people away from the root of the problem. The reason being that as soon as you start bringing racial profiles into it, the ignorant can turn around and say "Oh it's just another Jewish conspiracy theory!"


let me explain my ramblings wether jews/masons or people who have adopted new names or re invented themselves in other ways the fact remains the main frame of global monies / debt are owned by a select few families the debt world wide keeps growing and growing and the human race is a slave to debt (there is no jewish conspiracy fact being the jews are among the main actors in this game of finance)

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let me explain my ramblings wether jews/masons or people who have adopted new names or re invented themselves in other ways the fact remains the main frame of global monies / debt are owned by a select few families the debt world wide keeps growing and growing and the human race is a slave to debt (there is no jewish conspiracy fact being the jews are among the main actors in this game of finance)


But is it not more relevant to note that this is dynastic wealth as opposed to Jewish wealth? I'm not trying to be politically correct for the sake of it, I just think that if you look at how dynasties operate, it's less about their ethnicity or racial profile and more about the very nature of the dynastic privilege that perpetuates the class divide we see in the world today.


In other words, if it were a Jewish conspiracy, the dynastic Jews would surely welcome all Jews into their echelon of privilege, and that is clearly not the case. The Warburgs and Rothschilds etc. have just as much contempt for the Jewish serf as they do any other. Do you see my point?

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But is it not more relevant to note that this is dynastic wealth as opposed to Jewish wealth? I'm not trying to be politically correct for the sake of it, I just think that if you look at how dynasties operate, it's less about their ethnicity or racial profile and more about the very nature of the dynastic privilege that perpetuates the class divide we see in the world today.


In other words, if it were a Jewish conspiracy, the dynastic Jews would surely welcome all Jews into their echelon of privilege, and that is clearly not the case. The Warburgs and Rothschilds etc. have just as much contempt for the Jewish serf as they do any other. Do you see my point?


i understand what your saying on the conspiracy/race front .the point im trying to get across, is the world is under the control of a few people who rule the world through explotation .after all the post was who owns the bank of england, answer an elite few

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i understand what your saying on the conspiracy/race front .the point im trying to get across, is the world is under the control of a few people who rule the world through explotation .after all the post was who owns the bank of england, answer an elite few


Yes I was deviating from the topic. I was just trying to clarify your position.


As for who "owns" the BOE, I don't think this is the correct term to use. Who has stakes in its various market-based operations is more accurate. This is a very complex subject that I don't think anyone on here should presume they have the answer for. The Bank of England Nominees (BOEN) holding account is exempt from standard audit which doesn't help.


What I was saying in an earlier post was that the BOE in itself is not the problem, rather the issuance of over 90% of society's credit through a relatively few minority owned institutions. If the consumer population began capitalising banks whose charters were based on member (public, essentially) stakeholdership as opposed to minority shareholder interests, then the problem of compound interest, which is the key problem banking reformists rightly bring attention to, would be eased dramatically.


Fundamentally, the BOE is the printing press for the nation's currency. If the banking system changed so that the most prominant banks were those that returned interest back into the communities in which they operated, then this would mark a significant change in the distribution of wealth, without even mentioning the word tax. Of course there are the minority interests you have rightly pointed out who would fight tooth and nail to ensure the banking system remains subservient to their operations.

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The Bank of England Nominees (BOEN) holding account is exempt from standard audit which doesn't help.

the reason being is greed and explotation by a few who have 200 year old laws on their side

If the banking system changed so that the most prominant banks were those that returned interest back into the communities in which they operated, then this would mark a significant change in the distribution of wealth


money will eventually be worthless and batering will come back or the smack in the mouth brigade who will just take what they want, because more money will be needed from the system than is going into it =financial meltdown dubai is a great example of this

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It's a little depressing to see that even after eight centuries, the Jews, who were long barred from making any useful goods or providing any useful services except for moneylending, are still blamed for having made a living out of it.


More than a little depressing. :rolleyes:

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"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks...will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

-Thomas Jefferson


( this has already been done & is in the process of happening right now )

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