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Who Owns The Bank Of England?

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it does, its owed to a number of local and foreign investors




Yes i ahve taken a look at your link which is talking about


Glit edged securtitys or governments bonds , which takes us to another subject and another major problem, in brief BoE had to sell its bonds = no one wanted them - BoE laucnes quantitative easing in order to sell, result we have double inflation from expected 2% to 3.9%

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You're one of those freeman weirdos aren't you?



if you mean conspiracy then yes, but my facts regarding the federal reserve are true , as for freemasons all that i know is that they are probly one of the most influential secretive groups.

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The UK national debt is the total amount of money the British government owes to the private sector and other purchasers of UK gilts.


From figures published April 2010, UK public sector net debt was £890 billion. (or 62% of National GDP) – Source: Office National Statistics


Although 60% of GDP is alot it is worth bearing in mind, that other countries have a much bigger problem. Japan for example have a National debt of 194%, Italy is over 100%. The US national debt is close to 71% of GDP. [see other countries Debt





All the fuss and we are nowhere near as bad off as others

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Actually this is a serious issue in the US as far as I know and I believe there was a bill (HR1207) introduced to try and audit the Fed.


There is also significant buzz in the US regarding a public banking option, based on the success of North Dakota's model, which makes private banks customers of the state, not the other way round.

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Yes i ahve taken a look at your link which is talking about


Glit edged securtitys or governments bonds , which takes us to another subject and another major problem, in brief BoE had to sell its bonds = no one wanted them - BoE laucnes quantitative easing in order to sell, result we have double inflation from expected 2% to 3.9%


no, the bank of england bought the government bonds on the open market and at some point it will sell them on the open market.


the recent rise in inflation is more to do with the change in vat and rises in food, fuel and energy prices.


the banks seem to have held onto most of the qe money rather than releasing it into the economy which would have been inflationary. also, some of the money will have gone overseas, so we've inflated other peoples economies.

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if you mean conspiracy then yes, but my facts regarding the federal reserve are true , as for freemasons all that i know is that they are probly one of the most influential secretive groups.


liberty was talking about freemen wierdos rather than freemason wierdos

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Who owns the Bank of England ?


Well, I must finally confess----ME ! I 've tried to keep it a secret but the truth will out---or so some people say.


I didn 't want the truth revealed because I feel a tad guilty over my fiscal frolics, during these past few years. Also, my clientele, the British Government and British people have encouraged me, [ indeed joined me ! ] in being greedy, avaricious, selfish, stupid, foolish and reckless in financial shenhanigins of all kinds. However, we all now realise one simple fact : We have been spending more than we have been getting in ! Good Heavens ! I wish someone had told us years ago !


The only solution is to employ more experts, I suppose. Some people say we must start to be less greedy, envious and we must delay instant gratification. Well, that 's all very well but it wasn 't really my fault so I 'M not starting that particular ball rolling. Oh, well, not to worry----as Mr. Micawber said, " Something will turn up, "....................won 't it ??

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