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Who Owns The Bank Of England?

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  • 7 months later...

There are many claims that the Bank of England, and even so-called "private" central banks such as the US Federal Reserve, repay all net earnings (minus expenses) to the state treasury.


I have yet to see concrete proof of this and the existence of the unaudited BOEN (Bank of England Nominees Ltd) doesn't exactly suggest complete public stakeholdership.


Perhaps someone can shed some light on these two points?

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We all know who controls most of the western world's banks, media, publishing houses, and who controls the US government. We aren't allowed to say, of course.


Well we certainly know that relatively very few control/own these institutions.


What makes you think we aren't allowed to say who?

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Why does the media never talk about who England owes the 700+ Billion deficit too?


We are in the worse debt since WW2, yet no one says a peek about who the money is owned too?


Why are the share holders of the Bank Of England a Secret?


Why must we pay compound interest on every pound that is printed by the Bank Of England?


Federal reserve is also a privately owned company?


are we getting scre*ed here?


Are you mad or something. It is owned by the Governement

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nick if the Gov Own the bank, which means we own it etc


if this is the case , why would the Government pay "Compound Interest on its own money?"


eg estimated interests ONLY we must pay back is 70 billion!


Because the BoE has borrowed money from overseas investors and has to pay interest on it.

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