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To those who endorse Far Eastern Sweatshops.

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It is part of industrialisation. We went through it ourself about 200 years ago. It is part of a migration to the cities from a rural ecomomy.


Exactly, its another step on the ladder and in most cases these workers are significantly better off than they were when they were part of a farming community.

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all the british public is worried about is getting cheap gear from the far east..and damn the workforce...like they enjoy cheap eggs and meat thanks to factory farming...where do you think all that cheap england merchandise has come from...yes the far east....

keep the cost of living down....sweatshops even excist in this country...

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How many on here buy from Walmart ?


Most probably all.


I'm pretty sure the food production industry has one of the highest suicide rates.


Repetitive work and long hours seem to be the common factor.


It's not just a Chinese problem, we have the same problem.

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10 Suicides in Apple's factory in China, what price moving production to the far east do those on this forum who advocated it find acceptable.

One very vocal forum member blamed greedy British workers, it would seem that far eastern 'bowl of rice a day' workers can't satisfy the true greed merchants (shall we call them owners/exploiters)


i doubt the suicides have anything to do with working conditions or pay at Apple,s factory, a company like apple risk too much to be associated with really bad conditions, but the fact is that the UK cannot and has not for some time produced any economical goods at a price the customer wants to pay in the world or home mass market, due mainly to greedy unions feathering their own nests and British workers believing they are worth far more than they really are!! you are only worth what is being offered!

the low pay in the far east is comparable to their cost of living and without western production would be far worse off! i know what i am talking about as i import from the far east and have seen conditions first hand and the vast majority are very good in relation to the culture of the countries, i.e very hard working ! unlike a lot of westerners!

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If we banned imports from China and other parts of Asia (at least here in US) the shelves of most non food retailers would be as bare as old Mother Hubbard's cupboard.


Thirty years ago the Chinese factory workers of today would more than likely be labouring on rural farms and rice paddies.


Something to think about

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i know what i am talking about as i import from the far east and have seen conditions first hand and the vast majority are very good in relation to the culture of the countries, i.e very hard working ! unlike a lot of westerners!
Well you would say that wouldn't you, we've seen the videos taken from inside the sweatshops where leading brands of sports footwear are produced but you expect us to believe yours is the exception.

The real truth is that people like Dyson not the Unions are the greedy ones. Dyson's production cost are 80% less now that they've moved to Asia, how much has the price of the products fallen.

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