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Optimum time to meet girls in bars and clubs

Best time  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. Best time

    • 9pm -10pm
    • 10-pm-11:30pm
    • 11:30-midnight
    • midnight to 1am
    • 1am - 2am
    • After 2am
    • Makes no difference what time it is
    • Don't know/show me the results

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I do often. I have done this hundreds of times on POF but got nothing out of it. What other FREE sites are there?


Try match.com - it's not free, but most people I know who've embarked on a relationship within the past 10 years have met through this site. Joining a free one is not sending out the right message. And get someone to read through your profile and give you some feedback. And post a picture of you smiling so that you look friendly and approachable.

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I meen to meet for a proper relationship - not a drunken one night stand


I do believe you're serious!


You are trying too hard Siddy, relax.


's the truth


15 years ago I tried Dateline - they guaranteed dates or a refund. I got my money back.


So I decided to pursue my own interests. I got into a good space by not worrying about meeting a soulmate but just enjoying myself. Years later I met my soulmate quite by chance.


It's an old cliche, but love does really crop up when you're least looking for it.


When you pursue relationships directly, logically, by matching interests, backgrounds, intelligence, you kill any chance of spontaneity and magic. Oh, I know it can work, but I'd really recommend working on yourself, your interests, your confidence, your real circle of friends and allow something to happen naturally.


You've got brains slimsid, you've got some confidence, you're able to communicate quite well and a self-depricating sense of humour. All good starts - now go out and practice meeting real people in the real world. As Woody Allen says "80% of success is just showing up".

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I do believe you're serious!




's the truth


15 years ago I tried Dateline - they guaranteed dates or a refund. I got my money back.


So I decided to pursue my own interests. I got into a good space by not worrying about meeting a soulmate but just enjoying myself. Years later I met my soulmate quite by chance.


It's an old cliche, but love does really crop up when you're least looking for it.


When you pursue relationships directly, logically, by matching interests, backgrounds, intelligence, you kill any chance of spontaneity and magic. Oh, I know it can work, but I'd really recommend working on yourself, your interests, your confidence, your real circle of friends and allow something to happen naturally.


You've got brains slimsid, you've got some confidence, you're able to communicate quite well and a self-depricating sense of humour. All good starts - now go out and practice meeting real people in the real world. As Woody Allen says "80% of success is just showing up".


Yes, but you optimise your chances by doing all of the above plus dating sites. How do most people meet? Through friends, at university, school, work or out in pub/club. Unless you're a confident person, I would rule out pubs and clubs. If all your friends and friends' friends are partnered or of the wrong sex, that rules them out. If you're working and in a very small environment or in a particular line of work dominated by the sex not of your choice, then that rules that out.

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I'd say between 10pm and 11.30pm.


This allows you to have had a pleasant night out with your friends first and not just run off with a lady as soon as you go out. It also allows you to build up your confidence, whether through drink or just by becoming adjusted to the atmosphere. It may also mean that you aren't too inebriated so as to cloud your judgement and hold a decent conversation.


The time of the evening also suggests to your potential partner that you aren't acting out of desperation and have acted out of desire for her in particular. It also allows time to enjoy each other's company for the rest of the evening - pre-empting the 'first date' scenario by allowing you to get to know each other when you first meet.

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