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Have Disney movies and Rom Coms given women unrealistic expectations?

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Frogs are not the common denominator...that's why they don't turn into a prince. :hihi:
You can't blame me for this *blinx* I'm lovely, I just can't put up with the sort of behaviour that mel was posting about. I don't mind looking after kids, but not adult ones!


I was just answering discodown anyway, he's the one first started talking about kissing frogs and princes n stuff. I was humouring him, he's deluded, they're just frogs! :)

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... don't dress like a tart, get sloshed and sleep with any man drunk enough, just behave a bit like a lady and tha might just find him. A lot of young women today struggle with microwave meals, dress like tarts, can't clean up after themselves, let alone a prospective man, drink like fish and sleep around. And I think therein lies the problem.

Whatever!! :rolleyes: Being a Prince is predicated on the other person's behaviour, is it? Not the natural honesty and courtesy that comes from within, from the true nature of the heart and mind?


You're funny, though, you even talk like a granny! Are you a good cook yourself? Maybe you don't want a partner, you seem to want a servant to run around looking after you? Girls can sense that and if they're sensible, steer well clear. And you don't drink, do you? And I'm pretty sure you'd sleep around given the chance? You can always date a girl who buys her clothes from Jaeger or Laura Ashley, but you might not find her in a club ... try a night class on cooking or history, maybe? :hihi: Or alternatively look for someone extremely stupid whom you can mould into the dogsbody you appear to be looking for. :D


I think that covers all the points raised? :)

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Theres a woman at work who's single and refuses to date anyone because shes waiting for "the one". This is apparently a person that she'll see and "know" that shes destined to be with for the rest of her life. this person will be hopelessly romantic, will treat her like a princess and they'll be happy forever.


I've been told i'm a misery for pointing out shes going to have a very lonely old age and a dull life waiting for this mythical person. I've told her that she has to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince and even then you're not guaranteed anything. In fact realistically once the initial heat of the relationship fades the best you can hope for is that you at least stay friends and have some cool stuff to talk about and you don't start to loathe each other.


When I asked where this prince wuld emerge from she said that he's out there and hadn't I seen Sleepless In Seattle? I said yes, I've also seen Roadhouse but that doean't mean every problem in the world can be solved by kicking.


OK - you've tried to get in her knickers and failed :roll:


Move on.

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This isn't a modern day phenomenon but dates back to the romantic novel and Jane Austen. It's all about fantasy in the same way that porn fulfils that need in some men.



Even right down to children wearing porn related clothing mostly encouraged by mothers in the belief that their children look sexy. I'm wondering if this phenomena is the mothers unconscious desire to look/feel good through their children as a second chance..type of thing.?


Note: Not stating fact just messing with ideas.

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A modern day Cinderella looking for a Prince Charming with the aid of her Fairy Godmother need only use a bit of common sense.


Modern day Cinderella would do all the pots, washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning etc. and ask her Godmother/Gran for advice on 'getting' Prince Charming, and she'd say go to 'the ball' (nightclub/pub of same name), don't dress like a tart, get sloshed and sleep with any man drunk enough, just behave a bit like a lady and tha might just find him.


A lot of young women today struggle with microwave meals, dress like tarts, can't clean up after themselves, let alone a prospective man, drink like fish and sleep around. And I think therein lies the problem.


Unless they behave like Cinderella, they won't find Prince Charming.



The prob with this statement is you could just as easily replace "her/women" with "him/man".



Princes don't exist...if they do their probably banging the hell outa the local wench dahn road.

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Even right down to children wearing porn related clothing mostly encouraged by mothers in the belief that their children look sexy. I'm wondering if this phenomena is the mothers unconscious desire to look/feel good through their children as a second chance..type of thing.?


Note: Not stating fact just messing with ideas.


That is a particular bug bear of mine, I cannot bear this hyersexualisation of children. I'm sure that there is an element of vicarious living and trying to recapture their youth through their children.


That's for a whole other thread though.

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The prob with this statement is you could just as easily replace "her/women" with "him/man".



Princes don't exist...if they do their probably banging the hell outa the local wench dahn road.


Aye, the problem with today's society is that men and women don't have the defined roles they once did.


The proportion of women in work has risen and in the recession it has fallen. The amount of men in work has fallen and fallen even faster in the recession.


Now both men and women want to work, and neither wants to do the housework.

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Aye, the problem with today's society is that men and women don't have the defined roles they once did.
And we can only say we're all the better for it. If you're both out at work and want the housework doing properly, provide a job for someone, get a cleaner! :)


As for women being in work, they've always been in work, but unpaid houseslaves for the most part. If a man is unemployed let him get off his idle backside and get the house cleaned! Anyone can do it, it's hardly rocket science, is it? They can even figure out how to use a washer/dryer given a little time ;)

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Aye, the problem with today's society is that men and women don't have the defined roles they once did.


The proportion of women in work has risen and in the recession it has fallen. The amount of men in work has fallen and fallen even faster in the recession.


Now both men and women want to work, and neither wants to do the housework.


You could always try emigrating to another country where the gender roles are very clearly defined and along the traditional ones.

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And we can only say we're all the better for it. If you're both out at work and want the housework doing properly, provide a job for someone, get a cleaner! :)


As for women being in work, they've always been in work, but unpaid houseslaves for the most part. If a man is unemployed let him get off his idle backside and get the house cleaned! Anyone can do it, it's hardly rocket science, is it? They can even figure out how to use a washer/dryer given a little time ;)


Maybe get a cleaner if both are working. And if one doesn't work they should clean etc. but if they are to raise a family, then the woman would be best of taking maternity leave and staying off work for a few years, maybe working again when the child starts school.


I think one of the main things what makes the above so unattractive to today's generation is the ridiculous cost of housing. They need two wages to buy a house and even then they will struggle, they probably won't buy till their 30s, finish paying in their 60s and then they won't be able to have children anyhow, selling their house to fund retirement. The 'responsible' ones at least. Being in debt throughout their working lives to the bank.


Back in the day, a man's wage would be enough to buy a house and support a family.

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