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Should only attractive men be allowed to donate sperm?

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At the beginning of the 20th Century, the population of the earth was about 1.8 Billion people.


At the beginning of the 21st Century, the population had risen to nearly 6 Billion people (thanks to medical advances, cures/treatments for [previously] untreatable diseases and increases in agricultural yields caused by mechanisation and extensive use of agrochemicals.


Hopefully there will be advances in the treatment of (currently) incurable diseases, but we are unlikely to see improvements similar to those we saw last century.


We have global warming. And we have been told that if we are to combat global warming, then we must reduce CO2 emissions. Agrochemicals and agricultural machinery are a major source of that CO2.


In the UK, Mr Hilarious Benn (the previous head of DEFRA - The Department for the Elimination of Farming and Rural Affairs) said 'We must learn to produce more food using less land (Prescott wants to build houses on it) and using far smaller amounts of agrochemicals and less machinery.'


Yeah, right! Do more with less - And if the government runs out of food, they have a 'cunning plan' - they're going to get it from Tesco.:hihi::hihi::hihi:


We aren't doing a very good job of feeding the 6 Billion inhabitants of the planet. The planet's population is predicted to be 9 Billion in about 40 years time. How the hell are you going to feed them?


Why do you need sperm donors? - Where's the shortage of people?


For those who are concerned about the quality of the sperm you receive, there is one tried and trusted method:


Use draught and check out the donor for a while before you decide to breed from him.

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