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Twin girls injured in suspected fox attack

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I think you've misunderstood my position, retep.


I've no problem with culling foxes humanely, I've no problem with the hounds-my issue is with the people who kill foxes in this way purely for fun.


If your idea of fun is getting on the back of a horse and being thrown around the countryside, go for it, can't see the sence in it myself.


Whether shot or ripped to bits by the hounds the fox is going to feel some pain, as for those who chase after the hounds, cause they aren't chasing the fox, some do seem to be sick onlookers.

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How is the 'terrier work' better? It's a brutal fight for their life, outnumbered and against stronger opponents. It is not "better" in any way shape or form.
One terrier one fox the terrier holds it at bay wile it is dug down to then the fox is shot in the head at close range no running off injured.
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If your idea of fun is getting on the back of a horse and being thrown around the countryside, go for it, can't see the sence in it myself.
Didn't say it was my idea of fun retep, although I'm sure riding free in the country must be quite exhilarating, it's just when hunting a fox with dogs comes into the equation that I have a problem.
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As interesting / controversial as it may be what as fox hunting got to do with an alleged attack by a urban fox?



Absolutely nothing, but it's a good excuse for the usual personal point scoring that quickly replaces 'discussion' on this forum :hihi:

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well obviously if the hunt was brought back and was then allowed to hunt through peoples gardens then this would never have happened!


I loved what Sibon wrote on P1:


Looks like it is time to re-instate the Hackney hunt. :roll:


With the forthcoming mass badger cull, does that mean they'll flee the countryside and seek refuge in the city?

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Didn't say it was my idea of fun retep, although I'm sure riding free in the country must be quite exhilarating, it's just when hunting a fox with dogs comes into the equation that I have a problem.


What like, you don't have a dog, suppose it doesn't help:hihi:

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Yes but hunting with dogs is the most humaine way as no foxes crawl away with gunshot wounds to die a lingering death


I've seen some ignorant claptrap on this forum in the years I've been on here but this takes the award. What's humane about being chased by dogs until you're exhausted and then ripped to pieces?

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I fully agree with boyfriday.

I also find these stories more than a little fishy - too many unexplained and hard to believe details. I see foxes regularly and you couldn't find a more timid animal.

More likely to be the hunting mob at the back of this - they'll do anything to get fox hunting back on the agenda.

As for vermin - that's just an excuse for when people want to indulge their own personal pleasures. Man is the only life form on earth to wreak large scale havoc on this planet.

Visit the casualty unit at any hospital on Friday, Saturday & Sunday nights (when the yobbo's are having their usual fun) and see how many of the injuries were caused by foxes.


A brilliant post. And I agree that this story is fishy in the extreme - I'm sure there's more to it. I also can't believe people in East London leave their patio doors wide open!

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