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Twin girls injured in suspected fox attack

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Although the term dog generally refers to tame and domesticated pet dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), it can also be used for any other mammal of the Canidae ("the dog family") including foxes, wolves, coyotes etc. Furthermore Male foxes are called Dogs or Reynard.


Domestic dogs were classified as a separate species Canis familiaris in 1758 but were reclassified in 1993 as a subspecies of the gray wolf. The dog family was thus divided into "foxes" and "true dogs". However, this subdivision may not actually be in accordance with their relations


The fox can be classified as a rather small omnivorous canine. There are different species of fox on almost every continent but the most common is the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes).According to recent genetic fossil research, it is probable that Dogs were domesticated from wolves. This would have happened anywhere between 15,000 and 100,000 years ago. A female fox is called a vixen and her young are called cubs or kits. The collective noun for a group of foxes is a Skulk.


There are no reliable reports or genetic testing that proves the existence of dog-fox hybrids (called dox) although there are many unsubstantiated reports of such hybrids.


An unconfirmed female terrier/fox hybrid was reported, and later euthanized (killed), in the UK. British gamekeeper folklore claims that terrier bitches can produce offspring with male foxes. Other dog breeds claimed to have hybridized with foxes are the Alaskan Malamute, Sheltie, Siberian husky, and most of the hound groups. The supposed hybrids (known as a dox) are likely to be natural variation in the domestic dog.


There has been a reported cross between a domestic dog and a South American Maned Wolf, but the Maned Wolf is only a fox like canid not closely related to other canids and is the only member of the genus Chrysocyon.


In Saskatchewan, Canada there was another supposed dox, this time a female miniature Sheltie with a wild fox. There was a litter of three, but only one survived. The surviving (a female) was barren, and looked like an almost pure fox, with slight variations. However, the variability of dogs in appearance makes it impossible to determine whether an animal is hybrid based on looks. In most reported cases the dox had gold or yellow eyes, wired hair, and with black red and gray hairs covering most of the body.


But I think were going a bit off the subject here.

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Anyone else think that this whole story is beginning to seem like a Tory Central office ploy to poison people's attitudes towards foxes to soften public opinion to their plans to re-introduce hunting with hounds?


Odd that there never seem's to have been such a recorded attack before but within weeks of the the 'election' of a pro hunting with hounds govt we get such a story, backed up by their hysterical pals at the Mail and Sun.


What next, deer attack's pensioner or Islamic convert hare attacks farmer!!!:hihi:

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Same as otters are from the same family as ferrets but their not ferrets are they.


No they are not ferrets, they are Otters, but they are almost identical! They look the same & act the same. The only real difference is the way that they have adapted to their surroundings & have therefore become semi aquatic!


You go deep into the heart of the Amazon rain forest & you will find human tribes that are very removed from the way we look and live, but they are still human!


My original point was that foxes are from the dog family, they are carnivore & hunters, they will Kill for their food!

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I've just had this email reply from the Hackney police...


Many thanks for your email. All the points you raise were considered by the investigating team and the conclusion is that these injuries are consistent with the accounts given by the witnesses. I would also point out that further to a fox being caught in the garden, whilst officers were attending the incident, a fox tried to aggressively re-enter the property


Sorry but I'm still not happy.

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