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Twin girls injured in suspected fox attack

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I thought my posts were light. Everything I have posted on here has been posted with my tongue firmly planted against my cheek.


Yeah but unfortunately in that post your tongue was planted firmly against my cheek :hihi:

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Agent Orange would you explain why farmers are to blame for damaging the foxes habitat and why or how are they depriving them of food. Farmers are the people who actually care for the 'habitat' and look after the countryside and what are farmers to do place some hens in an unsafe hen coup for the foxes to come and kill them and keep them supplied with a never ending supply of food.

Foxes are hunters and will take any type of food in the countryside but they will also scavenge and if food is more readily available in the city that is where they will live. It is nothing do do with what farmers do or don't do.

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No, but you can control them by hunting , trapping ,and posioning them.


certain wild animals have to be kept under control ,otherwise we would be over run by them .



Just let us know where you live and I'm sure we could get up enough folk to hunt, trap or poison you - we don't want to be over run by rabid dogs do we :hihi:

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