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Who should be made Lords and Ladies?

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Ok ... seen there have been threads on this subject before you start!

Who do you think should get these prestigious awards?

Me and g/f decided Lord Bowie for his massive contribution to music.

Lady Siouxsie Sioux

Lady Bjork

Lord Robert Smith

Lady Madonna (for a laugh)

Gaga (not lady)

Anymore ideas? :D

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My mum- she's already got an MBE for her work setting up a voluntary help charity (and running it full time without pay for the last 30 years, despite being seriously disabled herself) but I think her hard work, and that of other people who are similarly public spirited, should be more recognised and the famous people should get less of the gongs.

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Awards are OK for ordinary people to bring their work into the public consciousness, but I don't think any showbiz star should take one ever. I always think better of them if they turn the award down and worse of them if they accept it.

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My mum- she's already got an MBE for her work setting up a voluntary help charity (and running it full time without pay for the last 30 years, despite being seriously disabled herself) but I think her hard work, and that of other people who are similarly public spirited, should be more recognised and the famous people should get less of the gongs.


That'll work. Gives me an idea:


MBE's aren't handed out like sweets. You only get one if (a) you're worth it and (b) somebody does the paperwork ... and [been there!] there's a lot of paperwork.


In the UK, you have a Parliament comprising 2 houses. Reformation of the HOL is overdue (not because the 'old' HOL is screwed up, bit because the present version is (IMO) 'a bit dodgy'.


We have enough problems with 'dodgy politicians' in the lower house. Hereditary peers were (on average) perhaps better than the lower house, but if we're going to elect the second house, then who will we elect them from?


When we elect the Commons, we do so from a list of tossers put forward by the party Führers. We - the people - don't really get a choice.


There are people - particularly those who have previously been recognised by the people for their services to society. - Particularly (but not limited to) those with 'empire' awards.


Should we not (or could we not) require that those put forward for election to the second (upper) chamber should have (at least) an 'empire' award?


If you've got a BEM, and MBE, an OBE a CBE you're eligible to stand for election to the Upper Chamber.


Unfortunately, if your name's Mandy and you got dumped as an MP, we can't call you Lady Mandy and send you into government up the back passage. All government ministers would have to be elected. If you want to be a minister and you're common, fair enough. Making you a Lord to get around the rules was never acceptable, nor shall it be so now.

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