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An idea to repay the countrys debt!

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We should scrap the arm forces in this time and age no one will invade other countries with UN in place, we will clear our debt in no time, and all the people in the army can work in factories and start doing something worthworth in their life for a change


The UN, with no armed forces of it's own. Yeah, that'll do a lot of good protecting us.


And the saving from replacing Trident, that's over how long, 25 years? Longer? Not such a big saving on an annual basis is it.

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bring back the death penalty for murderers, peado`s , child killers and rapists.


this would save millions of pounds. the vast amount we spend on keeping the likes of Sutcliffe ,Huntley, Whiting and the rest in prison for the rest of their lives is money that could be put to better use in cutting our deficit.


Executing someone has always cost more than imprisoning them, what with the very length appeals process.

And presumably you can remember the various miscarriages of justice that have come to light in the recent past? What do you do then, just apologise to the family for murdering their dad/brother/son?

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Here is an idea that will save the UK billions every year......Legalise ALL drugs!


The drugs trade in the UK is worth about £5bn a year. The government spends about £1.5bn a year of tax payers money on the "war against drugs".:loopy: That doesn't include the money spent on fighting drug related crime, which costs the tax payer over £4bn a year!


If the countrys drugs are imported by the government they could be sold & taxed at such a low price that the major dealers would not be able to compete at all. In Amsterdam, the cannabis trade has more or less groung to a halt as coffe shop owners are growing and selling there own, legally.


The "war on drugs" has already been lost anyway, I know for a fact that I could get my hands on any kind of drug, whenever I want to (not that I do).


It's just a thought, but I think it may work!:D



A better idea, but along the same lines. We have a shortage of morphine and other opiate based drugs for medical purposes in this country. Why don't we use some of the poppy harvest that we are fighting over in Afghanistan? and manufacture our drugs from that? It would save money over buying them from fat cat pharmaceutical companies.


Just an idea.

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What about downsizing and selling Cornwall? Don't suppose anyone would want Wales or Scotland.


I would rather keep wales & scotland than most of the dirty holes that exist in Sheffield!:o

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Fighting drug use has become an industry.

A lot of people would end up on the dole if drug taking became legal.


It would still save the country billions, even with all the dealers on the dole.

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Its time to send all asylum seekers and imigrants who are not contributeing to our economy back to their own countries


So they can be shot at because of wars that have been created by western countries selling their unwanted guns & military equipment to them?

Yeah.....good idea!:loopy:

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Its time to send all asylum seekers and imigrants who are not contributeing to our economy back to their own countries


Asylum seekers are not able to work by law (our law).

People granted asylum are, but they aren't asylum seekers anymore.


Immigrants from outside the EU only come here to work, they don't get to claim any benefits for quite some time (at least 5 years I think).

Immigrants from within the EU generally come here to work as well and more are leaving at the moment than are arriving.

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