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Scargill still on the take living in plush London apartment

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Mineworkers' union still funding Scargill's London flat


The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is to debate its
continued funding for a London flat for former president Arthur Scargill, who retired in 2002
. Payments understood to run into
tens of thousands of pounds a year
have been made for rent and running costs on the apartment in the Barbican since 1982.


A motion calling for an investigation into the allowances is to go before the NUM conference later this month. Mr Scargill said the union had agreed to make the payments until his death.




So the avid Marxist is happily living off his old union. How very noble of him.

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It is essentially up to union members as it's their money, but why the heck should someone have a home being paid for by their old company and have their own house? This is exactly the same as the company boss "fat cats" that the unions used to be so against.


Love the bit where he says - "I have a rented property which I shall cease to have when I die..." - erm yeah, he think we're all completely thick of summut?


Also sounds like he's been scamming the system with his second house too and is now trying to block any discussion of this by the union at the meeting - wonder why. Mind you, it could easily be argued that he was responsible for allowing the tories to close many of the mines so maybe he really is secretly a tory after all?



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Whats up? Jealous?


No, just that the very man who led the Sheffield miners to their destruction is living the life if riley in a home paid for by members contributions 8 years after he retired. I wonder what the families of the miners who lost their jobs and some their lives feel about his fortunate circumstances.


Maybe if Scargill had not used Sheffield as his weapon against the democratically elected government of the day to try and force his political opinions area and nation, Sheffield may be a very different place today.

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No, just that the very man who led the Sheffield miners to their destruction is living the life if riley in a home paid for by members contributions 8 years after he retired. I wonder what the families of the miners who lost their jobs and some their lives feel about his fortunate circumstances.


Maybe if Scargill had not used Sheffield as his weapon against the democratically elected government of the day to try and force his political opinions area and nation, Sheffield may be a very different place today.


Did Scargill write the Ridley plan?? hmm thought not.


The ex-miners I know think he deserves every penny for being someone that stood up for them when the Govt. declared war on their communities.

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No, just that the very man who led the Sheffield miners to their destruction is living the life if riley in a home paid for by members contributions 8 years after he retired. I wonder what the families of the miners who lost their jobs and some their lives feel about his fortunate circumstances.


Maybe if Scargill had not used Sheffield as his weapon against the democratically elected government of the day to try and force his political opinions area and nation, Sheffield may be a very different place today.


exactly! but not many will agree

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