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Early to dance? Anyone for early club opening?


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Why don't they create clubs that are open earlier in the evening (7, 8pm) for those of us that are no longer 18 but would like to drink and dance sometimes and still be in bed at a reasonable hour?!? Anyone interested in starting such a venture (preferably playing 'proper' music not just dance stuff although I'm sure there are also dance fans who would welcome such an endeavour)?????


If there were such places that played indie/rock or old retro tunes, or a mix of all different stuff, or if there were 'early' nights on at places like Corp, Leadmill or wherever it is young people go these days it would be great. Early club nights should not be the sole preserve of 14 year olds smashed on White Lightning who could easily stay up til 4am and not notice the effect the next morning!!!!!:rant:

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Sounds like a great idea! I had to leave a cracking night on Saturday at 2am, 'cos I knew that not only would I have to deal with my kids at 7am. but also my parents- who were up to babysit my kids:gag: :help:


I'd be into DJing at such a do as well, if it ever took off.

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