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Domestic violence during the world cup

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A lot of victims of DV would rather just take what they're getting now, as they're already used to it, rather than risk doing anything that will probably make matters worse for them. A lot of women dearly love their violent partners, but just hate that side of them. Unless you're going to make a clean break, reporting them is usually just a catalyst for even more intense beatings.


People trying to flee domestic voilence, will try, on average Thirty Two!! times to leave the relationship, before they actually do......its not as easy as people may think.

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I think the police and the government do a lot around domestic violence strategies and in recent years have started to take it more seriously. What the government can never do from the top down is change peoples attitudes.


There are unfortunately a lot of men who still think its ok to hit women, or if their mate mentioned it in the pub wouldn't stick their neck out and say 'hang on thats not right'. And a lot of women who say stuff like when they have PMT they're really violent towards their partners and its just laughed off and seen as funny.


Things dont change until society and culture changes. People need to challenge each other, on a day to day basis.


As I implied, that takes time, money and resources, and seems sadly lacking. There is also the question of will.

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People trying to flee domestic voilence, will try, on average Thirty Two!! times to leave the relationship, before they actually do......its not as easy as people may think.


Especially not as that is when the violence very often escalates. 2 women are killed each week by their partner or ex and it's very often under the circumstances of her trying to leave or she managed to leave but is stalked and tracked down.


The midnset of many men who abuse their partners is one of control, they seriously regard women as their property.

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It's that bad that they actually have to give out warnings on the radio??


What's wrong with some men that their puny, neanderthal brains can't deal with things in a civilised way. Something doesn't go exactly how they wanted it to, so they get drunk and go beat their wife? It makes me furious.


Then there's the men who don't even need the alcohol to make them feel like He-Man; they'll just start throwning their fists around anyway. Nothing like a beating a defenceless woman to make you feel superior.


Maybe we should ban beer and football... or maybe just ban testosterone?


I know there isn't really a solution to it but it just makes me sick.


Some men just haven't evolved past the cave man stage have they??


I think they should take a leaf out of Holland's book. When the European cup was in Amsterdam, there was hardly any fighting, because everyone was smoking cannabis!;)


Selling weed in pubs would cut the fighting dramatically because people can't be bothered to fight when they are stoned!

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Especially not as that is when the violence very often escalates. 2 women are killed each week by their partner or ex and it's very often under the circumstances of her trying to leave or she managed to leave but is stalked and tracked down.


The midnset of many men who abuse their partners is one of control, they seriously regard women as their property.




Some people will stop at nothing to get what they see is revenge for a partner leaving them, sadly even years after the partner has left they can still be plauged by an ex.

The police need to take ALL allegations of abuse seriously, the doctors need to be trained to spot the signs and laws need to be bought into force to protect victims of violent domestic abuse even when the victims cannot/do not want to help themselves.

Leaving a violent partner is a life long sentence for some and just when they think they have escaped and have started to build a life for themselves it can soon come crashing down.

I know someone who's ex partner is in prison for murdering his g/f and even though he is in a high security prison he still managed to make contact with this persons mother and try to gain informtion on her whereabouts and what she was doing. The police fitted panic alarms etc but nothing much was done to find out HOW he could have gotten her mothers number and How he was allowed to contact her.

I know the police are limited in what they can do but a woman was killed because they did not take prior warnings and reports of this man seriously.

On the one time she did report abuse {a stabbing and rape} the police arrested the man and released him later without charge.he then went straight to the woman and beat her to within an inch of her life breaking her ribs and knocking her unconscious, she never bothered with the police after that and slowly became a human punchbag.

She is now very happy and settled in a new relationship and trying to build a future for herself but still this man has a hold over her.

He haunts her dreams and she is in a constant state of fear in case he finally manages to track her down.

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getting back to the OP of this thread...


we're looking at this as a single scenario of drunken beatings, but the bigger problem is surely more subtle...


how many blokes just shut down or switch off to their family for the whole of the world cup? how frustrating is that for a wife to deal with, effectively not only becoming a single parent, but a personal skivvy too?


He switches himself off, she nags, in his state of heightened emotion over the tournament he feels justified in doling out some retribution for the verbal he's had from her...


some people have their priorities all wrong

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For the record, it is domestic ABUSE not domestic violence purely because people assume that it is only a physical thing when in fact the abuse could be physical, mental, sexual or even financial. The victims of domestic abuse aren't just women, it is children and a minority of men are victims. Men being victims is steadily growing. The perpetrator of domestic abuse does not need any reason for making someone a victim. They just do because they are just cowards

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She is now very happy and settled in a new relationship and trying to build a future for herself but still this man has a hold over her.

He haunts her dreams and she is in a constant state of fear in case he finally manages to track her down.


If your friend hasn't dealt with the problem with being a victim of domestic abuse, PLEASE send me a private message and I'll see what I can do for her.

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Have to agree with that, I'm sure bespectacled, chartered accountants are just as likely or unlikely to be wife beaters as anyone else.


I've not seen the ad, however, I agree - domestic violence cuts across all social classes. Does the ad focus purely on physical abuse?


Whilst domestic violence cuts across all classes, that is not the same as saying that a stereotypical 'accountant' is as likely to be a wife beater as a stereotypical 'man-in-the-street'.

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For the record, it is domestic ABUSE not domestic violence purely because people assume that it is only a physical thing when in fact the abuse could be physical, mental, sexual or even financial. The victims of domestic abuse aren't just women, it is children and a minority of men are victims. Men being victims is steadily growing. The perpetrator of domestic abuse does not need any reason for making someone a victim. They just do because they are just cowards



Do you believe that to be a fact? And if so on what basis. Just think how many men are out there are being abused by their women, but because of the very low rate of reporting it the idea persists that it's minimal. The term minority in itself gives it unimportance status.


I think you're wrong to assume they're cowards if you're using "cowards" in the general term.

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