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“assassinate Thatcher”

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Kenny Everett said "Let's bomb Russia" at the Young Tory conference.


The cold war? Nuclear missiles pointed at the UK, constant threat of war? This is very different. The only way you could claim this is similar is if Kenny Everett today said we should go back to the 80's and annihilate Russia.


Senior Tories called Mandela a terrorist. Nobody reprimanded them.


Because they were right. Mandela was the leader of the ANC's armed wing which waged a guerrilla causing civilian casualties. Mandela was banned from the US up until 2008 because of his association with terrorists.


Mandela was a terrorist, much like those who led the IRA who are now working for a peaceful northern Ireland. To say anything less would be to try and rewrite history.

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Besides, Thatcher taking afternoon tea with child murderers shows how contemptible and morally corrupt the old bag was.


I hope in the demented, doubly-incontinent, bewildered existence she lives in now she can hear the screams of Pinochet's victims ringing in her ears.


I have no love or respect for Thatcher, but the world of an Alzheimer sufferer is not an enviable existence and not one that I would wish on anyone - not even her.

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David Cameron has made another decisive break with the Conservative Party's past by admitting that Margaret Thatcher had been wrong to brand Nelson Mandela's African National Congress (ANC) "terrorists" during the struggle against apartheid.


The Tory leader, who met Mr Mandela during a visit to South Africa last week, said: "The mistakes my party made in the past with respect to relations with the ANC and sanctions on South Africa make it all the more important to listen now. The fact that there is so much to celebrate in the new South Africa is not in spite of Mandela and the ANC, it is because of them - and we Conservatives should say so clearly today."



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Typical labour - nasty and vicious as ever. Particularly insensitive to talk of shooting your opponent in the wake of the Cumbrian shootings as well.


Yes i agree . very bad taste considering the terrible recent events in Cumbria, but what do you expect from Labour ?


we have just ended 13 years of labour failings ,so we shouldnt really be surprised at the mind set of their supporters .

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I don't think he should have said it - but was his comment taken out of context? It all depends on what was actually said and how it was said.


For instance "If I could stop world starvation by doing so then I would assassinate thatcher if I could go back in time."


Still not right but - context can mean a hell of a lot.


Didn't stop that chap being done for threatening to blow up Donny Airport for what was a light hearted comment on Twitter.

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Can you not see the difference between saying something that is impossible (time-travel) and something that you could do?


Yes it could be done, but it was still taken out of context.

In the context of this discussion, I could say I'm going to blow Wales into the Atlantic Ocean. I'm sure with several million tonnes of TNT, perhaps a few nukes, Wales could feasibly be turned into rubble. Doh I hope MI5/Special Branch don't pick this up.

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Kenny Everett said "Let's bomb Russia" at the Young Tory conference. He was wildly applauded. Senior Tories called Mandela a terrorist. Nobody reprimanded them.


If there is evidence McDonnell was building a Time Machine he should, of course, be questioned.


That is just factual. he was a terrorist and spent many years in prison for it. That quote also predate his rerlease and rehabilitation as a responsible politician later in life.

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Can you not see the difference between saying something that is impossible (time-travel) and something that you could do?


I don't think that metaphysics is a good enough defence to inciting hatred do you?


Would "ah yes, I would have killed the ****, and I know that you all still hate **** too" deserve a round of applause?

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