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“assassinate Thatcher”

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I don't think that metaphysics is a good enough defence to inciting hatred do you?


Would "ah yes, I would have killed the ****, and I know that you all still hate **** too" deserve a round of applause?


It is more like making a joke about hitler, considering the number of lives she ruined including the hundreds of suicides.

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The one who said it "wasn't normal".


Cameron cosying up to anti-semites and homophobes in Europe.


Hague and Cameron on Section 28.


Plus there's the little matter of Mark Thatcher making obscene amounts of money brokering Al Yamamah, the biggest export deal Britain ever signed, riddled with corruption and Aitken pimping for his arab paymasters.

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The one who said it "wasn't normal".


Sorry, but you said that

senior tories are still inciting hatred against gays.


Which isn't the same as the response that you gave. Could you provide a proper citation that there are 'senior tories' currently inciting hatred against gays?

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It is more like making a joke about hitler, considering the number of lives she ruined including the hundreds of suicides.


No-one's life was ruined by Maggie, but millions had their quality of life improved thanks to her and her policies.


But considering you were advocating murdering people who don't believe in global warming on another thread, perhaps there's more than a hint of hypocrisy about your twisted beliefs?

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Come this November it will be 20 years since she vacated Downing Street. She is political history, closer in years to Harold Macmillan's leadership than David Camerons. Anyone with a first hand personal opinion on her leadership has to be in their late 40's, I'm certain that many Thatcher haters can barely remember her premiership.


I wonder what folk will be saying in 20 years time about the way that Blair and Brown wrecked the UK economy and plunged us into two decades of austerity. I'm bloody glad that my working days are now over, albeit that I enter my retirement in very uncertain times, I hate to say this but you aint seen nothing yet.

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I believe Thatcher despised the working class of this country. She was actually also fairly dismissive of the lower middle classes from whence she came – she actually saw herself more as Royalty – do you not remember her saying ‘We are a Grandmother’? – she was almost like Hyacinth Bucket in her small-minded snobbery.


Of course, she wasn’t above bribing the workers when it suited her.


She sold them their council houses at a knock down price, but deprived future generations of the option of decent publicly-owned housing.



She sold our public utilities, on the basis of her ’share-owning’ democracy, so that some could make a quick hundred quid or two.


Are they still owned by the people in this wonderful share-owning Utopia?


Or are they now owned by foreign-based multinationals?


And what was the money raised spent on?


Was it education?


Was it hospitals?


No. It was spent on unemployment (the price worth paying remember) and on 43% tax cuts for the wealthiest people in the land.





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As for Scargill’s ridiculous dalliance with Gadaffi and the Libyans, or the supposed excess power of the unions, I believe these were more than countered by the corrosive, democracy-undermining power of the Tory press, and Thatcher’s association with mass-murderer Pinochet, who was described by Thatcher as ‘A good friend to Britain’.


Her legacy is today’s burgeoning underclass, and the greed of city bankers that has harmed us all.


Scargill may not have done much good for the miners, or ultimately for British workers, but in the end he did them far less harm than Thatcher.



The screams of the children tortured by Pinochet will follow Thatcher to Hell.

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