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“assassinate Thatcher”

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As for Scargill’s ridiculous dalliance with Gadaffi and the Libyans, or the supposed excess power of the unions, I believe these were more than countered by the corrosive, democracy-undermining power of the Tory press, and Thatcher’s association with mass-murderer Pinochet, who was described by Thatcher as ‘A good friend to Britain’.


Her legacy is today’s burgeoning underclass, and the greed of city bankers that has harmed us all.


Scargill may not have done much good for the miners, or ultimately for British workers, but in the end he did them far less harm than Thatcher.



The screams of the children tortured by Pinochet will follow Thatcher to Hell.


What a bitter and twisted little man you sound. The benefits of Thatcherism have been discussed on here many times, but the jist of it is that if you were prepared to work hard and better yourself, she enabled you to make a better life for yourself and your family. The only people who oppose this were (and are) layabouts who want to get thousands in benefits thrown at them for sitting on their backsides.


And why your bizarre obsession with General Pinochet? During his time as leader of Chile, Britain enjoyed an excellent relationship with his country, which was important considering what was going on with near nieghbours Argentina at the time. Hence he was a "good friend to Britain".

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The charges faced by the former Chilean leader, General Augusto Pinochet include allegations that his victims were tortured with electric shocks, beatings, sexual abuse and threats of rape. In five of the cases the torture was followed by death.

At Monday's hearing Britain's Crown Prosecution Service, acting for Spain, detailed 34 alleged specific cases of torture and one charge of conspiracy to torture, all dating from December 1988 to December 1989.


CPS barrister Alun Jones said the charges "constitute some of the most serious allegations of crime ever to come before English criminal courts".



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Iif the Tories imprison a bunch of people without under temporary political prisoner rules, then switch them to regular-prisoner (i.e. post-conviction) status without ever having a trial, and start a stupid war with a relatively helpless country over territory neither country has any right to claim, and get a bunch of 17 year old conscripts killed in the process...yeah, we'll complain.


My guess is you're too young to know what a fascist murderer she is. She wasn't a close friend of Pinochet for no reason.

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What do you defend about her?


Her Single European Act? Her Anglo-Irish Agreement? Her Exchange Rate Mechanism?


Her Police and Criminal Evidence Act?


Her replacement of O-levels with GSCEs? Her introduction of abortion up to birth, and the moral chaos of the 1980s generally?


Her privatisation of British Airways, British Petroleum, and what are now our largely foreign-owned water and power supplies, something unconscionable in any other country?


Do you mean her destruction of the economic basis of paternal authority, initially in working-class families and communities, though it spread like wildfire, exactly as it was intended to do?


Her refusal to recognise the Muzorewa Government, because she thought that the Soviet-backed Nkomo would somehow have been better than the Chinese-backed Mugabe, for whom she nevertheless secured a knighthood?


Her support for apartheid South Africa, an anti-British revenge republic set up in a former Dominion of the Crown?


The list goes on, and on, and on. No wonder that, as you do not appear to have been told, she ended up having to be removed by her own party.


No wonder that the only people with a good word to say about her mercifully live thousands of miles away, in the United States. And no wonder that John McDonnell has been nominated by Frank Field and Kate Hoey.


Thatcher bestowed a knighthood on Mugabe and enjoyed tea and cakes with a torturer.


There will be a long line of people with bursting bladders wherever the old bat is interred.

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I believe Thatcher despised the working class of this country. She was actually also fairly dismissive of the lower middle classes from whence she came – she actually saw herself more as Royalty – do you not remember her saying ‘We are a Grandmother’? – she was almost like Hyacinth Bucket in her small-minded snobbery.


Ha, the only snob here is you, you're a reverse snob at best. Saying Thatcher thought of herself as royalty just because she used “we” instead of “I” is ridiculed. She came from a different generation you dingbat. One that prided itself on its grasp of the English language, unlike today.


Of course, she wasn’t above bribing the workers when it suited her.

She sold them their council houses at a knock down price, but deprived future generations of the option of decent publicly-owned housing.


Giving the working classes the chance to move out of state dependence and own their own home, something they can profit form in the future and help their families. It was terrible wasn’t it :roll:


And anyways, affordable and social housing has been part of the majority of house building schemes for many years. Those who took no interest in their free education, resulting in limited earnings potential only have themselves to blame for their position in the world if they cannot afford to house themselves without state handouts.


She sold our public utilities, on the basis of her ’share-owning’ democracy, so that some could make a quick hundred quid or two.


Yes she sold the public services to fund the repair of the economy when Labour screwed it up the last time.


Are they still owned by the people in this wonderful share-owning Utopia?


People’s choice on selling or hanging on to the shares is nothing to do with Labour. If people chose to sell them early and take a smaller profit that is their loss.


Or are they now owned by foreign-based multinationals?


Not all and there is not a country in the modern world that does not have some foreign ownership of some of its major businesses. It’s ok when a British company owns a foreign brand but when it’s the other way round you seem to think it’s the fault of Thatcher :roll:


And what was the money raised spent on?


As stated before, it was on repairing the UK economy that was bankrupt by Labour.

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Not forgetting the long line of tory scum who implemented the break up of utilities, then accepted highly-paid board positions. Tebbit and BT, for one.


Thatcher's corruption and sleazy money grabbing extended directly into her own family.


Mark Thatcher's role in Al Yamamah has never been explained, £8m he trouseed from that deal.

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What do you defend about her?


Her Single European Act? Her Anglo-Irish Agreement? Her Exchange Rate Mechanism?


Her Police and Criminal Evidence Act?


Her replacement of O-levels with GSCEs? Her introduction of abortion up to birth, and the moral chaos of the 1980s generally?


Her privatisation of British Airways, British Petroleum, and what are now our largely foreign-owned water and power supplies, something unconscionable in any other country?


Do you mean her destruction of the economic basis of paternal authority, initially in working-class families and communities, though it spread like wildfire, exactly as it was intended to do?


Her refusal to recognise the Muzorewa Government, because she thought that the Soviet-backed Nkomo would somehow have been better than the Chinese-backed Mugabe, for whom she nevertheless secured a knighthood?


Her support for apartheid South Africa, an anti-British revenge republic set up in a former Dominion of the Crown?


The list goes on, and on, and on. No wonder that, as you do not appear to have been told, she ended up having to be removed by her own party.


No wonder that the only people with a good word to say about her mercifully live thousands of miles away, in the United States. And no wonder that John McDonnell has been nominated by Frank Field and Kate Hoey.


Thatcher bestowed a knighthood on Mugabe and enjoyed tea and cakes with a torturer.


There will be a long line of people with bursting bladders wherever the old bat is interred.


If you do intend to rip off others words you could at least have the decency to reference the original source rather than trying to pass them off as your own. :roll:


David Lindsay quoted on Iain Dale's political blog would no doubt be a little miffed with you.



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If you do intend to rip off others words you could at least have the decency to reference the original source rather than trying to pass them off as your own. :roll:


David Lindsay quoted on Iain Dale's political blog would no doubt be a little miffed with you.




Perhaps he is David Lindsay. :hihi::hihi:


Go serapis!

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Kenny Everett said "Let's bomb Russia" at the Young Tory conference. He was wildly applauded. Senior Tories called Mandela a terrorist. Nobody reprimanded them.


If there is evidence McDonnell was building a Time Machine he should, of course, be questioned.


I remember Kenny Everett's stint too when it was reported on the telly.


He also said "Let's kick Michael Foot's walking stick away from him...." At that moment the camera's scrolled back & in the background was a laughing and clapping Margaret Thatcher!


Ooh here we are! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcSmnBfMhRE&feature=PlayList&p=87A1E30986FAEB58&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=53

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