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Time to scrap the minimum wage

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what you are really looking for is either a person who is willing to work part time for whatever reason, possibly someone who is retired, or find somone who is self employed who would see you as a customer rather than an employer and would have other customers to make up their income


Presumably the latter wouldn't fit in with espadrilles philosophy as it would be a contractual exchange of a fixed amount of work for a fixed price. No return on the capital investment of their labour (whatever that means).

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people join the forces with no skills, get paid minimum wage to project jokers like you, so you think its right that they risk there own life for pittence why earn a fortune doing what sitting at a desk? and you want to impliment something that means new recruits could be paid even less than the current one! :loopy:


I'm not sure what you're ranting about, love, but I wasn't particularly thinking of soldiers when I was talking about abolishing the minimum wage. I simply want companies to be allowed to choose how much they wish to pay their staff. The laws of supply and demand would determine the going rate, thus enabling more firms to take on more staff at a lower cost. With millions of people out of work, there's an awful lot of resources to utilise out there.

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I'm not sure what you're ranting about, love, but I wasn't particularly thinking of soldiers when I was talking about abolishing the minimum wage. I simply want companies to be allowed to choose how much they wish to pay their staff. The laws of supply and demand would determine the going rate, thus enabling more firms to take on more staff at a lower cost. With millions of people out of work, there's an awful lot of resources to utilise out there.

my point was you wanted to scrap min wage for unskilled workers well brit forces members start out as being unskilled workers, the goverment wouldn't give the go ahead to scrap min wage with out doing same for there own staff ie, forces workers(who already join up as min wage worker) these people dont get paid enough for what they do let alone encourging a system that could infact lower it even more

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NuLabour did lots of disastrous things in their 13 years in office, but none was worst than the introduction of the minimum age.


It sounded a fine idea in theory but in reality was fatally flawed, because a minimum wage will only work if every other country in the world also has a minimum wage.


Inevitably, when the minimum wage was brought in, many companies decided to shut down their UK operations and move their factories, offices and call centres overseas. Why pay someone £6 an hour to do a manual job in Britain when you can pay someone in India or China to do the same job for a tiny fraction of the cost?


In the forthcoming budget I would like to see Cameron and Clegg scrap the minimum wage and at the same time lower unemployment and child benefits (so no-one would be better off on the dole than working). This would lead to more jobs coming back to the UK from abroad, meaning more people get back into employment and saving the state millions in benefit payments.



Another poor attempt a trolling ... and yes, I will work all week for my dole.

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