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Karma - what comes around goes around

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I was always having a problem with someone I knew. She would belittle me at every oppurtunity and broke my heart and let me down endless when I was really sick. She mentally and physically abused me all my life. I have nothing to do with her, and never will now.


This person was my mum, I just recently found out she has lost her job,and most recent was that she had a accident too lol

Karma is a bitch I have always believed in karma.

I have had a few instances of it and it is very satisfying hehe


VERY upset to read this.

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do you believe in this if so what are your stories:)


There's one born every minute. There are people who believe in horoscopes and psychics so there are bound to be folk who fall for guff like this.


Wishing ill on someone who's wronged you is simply a sign of immaturity in my book.

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I do not believe in Karma any more than I believe in that silly rule of three thing off charmed - the one about 'if you do ill to someone then it will come back at you threefold.'


What about someone who has never done anything to anyone and gets burgled, mugged, stabbed, and then finds out he has cancer. Wonderful thing Karma.


What about the someone who lives a happy, healthy, wealthy life but after the person has died it is discovered he murdered ten people. Excellent Karma.


I do not believe in Karma.

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I don't believe in karma, i believe people just believe enough of their own crap that eventually they take their eye off the ball and life teaches them a harsh lesson in arrogance.


I know it is happening to some people right now and i don't pity them for one minute, you either listen to life or she will lock you up in solitary confinement where you will stay till your ticker stops going tock.


What about someone who has never done anything to anyone and gets burgled, mugged, stabbed, and then finds out he has cancer. Wonderful thing Karma.


That's almost worse than believing in karma.

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