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Trying to track down some old comrades...


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I'm just wondering if anyone can help me track down a few friends I've lost contact with over the years I've been out of Sheffield. It's been at least five years now since I last saw them, and I'm just hoping to catch up and find out how they're doing...


Firstly I'm trying to trace Marvin Gore. I went to school, then college with him, and over the years he put up with no end of my bulls**t, making him about the best mate I've ever had. I know his family moved to Cornwall in the early part of the 90's, and his brother Phil went with them (though I hear there's a possibility he has moved back to Sheffield). The last time I saw Marv was in late 2000 - he was going to head out to Morocco (I think) with his mate Russel... does anyone know if he came back to the area or has a lead I could possibly trace him with?


Secondly I'm trying to trace Ben Croft. Ben was one of my oldest friends, from being about five years old. He studied hard (unlike myself) and became a musician, playing in a couple of bands before heading out into the big wide world to play music on cruise liners. I have no idea which boats he worked (or may still work) on, but from memory I know he lived on Essendine Crescent for many years before moving on. there is a possibility his mother still lives in the area


I'm sorry the information is a little vague, but if anyone has any leads that could help me track the guys down, I'd be most thankful. I feel like a pretty useless mate having not tried to track them down before now... here's hoping I can find them to apologise :)





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