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Motorbikes strain on the nhs

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they did a survey in the independant that 8 out of ten motorcyclists have been involved in an accident during there riding career resulting in hospital treatment put that in youre pipe and smoke it!!
You do realise that the 2 largest causes of accidents in equal numbers for motorcyclists is entering a corner too fast for the riders ability and a collision between the motorcyclist and 4 wheeled vehicle simply because the driver did not see the rider. Thankfully the former is rapidly on the decline thanks to new rules and regulations surrounding motorcycle training as new motorcyclists these days are taught how to ride to a much higher standard than a decade ago. The latter of the 2 causes i mention is quickly becoming the number one cause of all accidents involving motorcycles so why would you want to punish the motorcyclist for something that isn't their fault??
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it was in the paper a few weeks ago i have yet to see any of these real riders u speak of ...
I've seen lots of them. They are the ones who remember to thank you for pulling to one side to allow them to pass in queuing traffic
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;6333441']You do realise that the 2 largest causes of accidents in equal numbers for motorcyclists is entering a corner too fast for the riders ability and a collision between the motorcyclist and 4 wheeled vehicle simply because the driver did not see the rider. Thankfully the former is rapidly on the decline thanks to new rules and regulations surrounding motorcycle training as new motorcyclists these days are taught how to ride to a much higher standard than a decade ago. The latter of the 2 causes i mention is quickly becoming the number one cause of all accidents involving motorcycles so why would you want to punish the motorcyclist for something that isn't their fault??
if you had to have a bike licence before a car licence, and appreciate the vulnerability of other road users first, there'd be way less accidents
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it was in the paper a few weeks ago i have yet to see any of these real riders u speak of all i hear is tales of top speed etc and being dangerously over/undertaken when out in the country and countless tv / billboard ads saying to look 4 bikes if they were priced out of the equation then we wouldnt have this problem i feel for the car drivers that accidently knock motorcyclists off through no fault of there own


I think you need to get a good grip of yourself. You are obviously preaching about something you know nothing about. Run along and troll about something you can hold a decent argument about. Something you actually hold a clue about and not something you heard through a man who knows a man who read something. Yes there are idiot bikers but there a plenty who arent. What about all the bikers who are killed and injured through people driving on the wrong side of the road? Or using a mobile when driving. Or killed by uninsured and untaxed cars.

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if you had to have a bike licence before a car licence, and appreciate the vulnerability of other road users first, there'd be way less accidents


Totally agree on that one, Learning to ride a bike properly makes you fully aware of everything on the road and you a far more alert to things when driving a car.

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it was in the paper a few weeks ago i have yet to see any of these real riders u speak of all i hear is tales of top speed etc and being dangerously over/undertaken when out in the country and countless tv / billboard ads saying to look 4 bikes if they were priced out of the equation then we wouldnt have this problem i feel for the car drivers that accidently knock motorcyclists off through no fault of there own
I had a stupid Subaru driver undertake me last week and cut me up forcing me almost into the opposite lane. Luckily this was at a slow speed so no harm done in the end... should I do as you do and tar every single car driver in the country with the same brush and call them all idiots or single the idiot out himself.


As for your comments regarding adverts and signs to look out for bikes or ads such as the think bike campaign, as I've said before the number one cause of accidents between a motorcycle and another vehicle is that the car/vehicle driver pulled out into the path of the motorcyclist because they merely glanced in their direction and didn't see them. In other words its the CAR drivers fault and not as you ignorantly claimed, the motorcyclists... Theres a reason the think bike campaign concentrates its efforts on trying to educate car drivers in order to make them properly look at junctions rather than the ads concentrating on motorcyclists.

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This lunchtimeI got a call from my OH who is in the Isle of Man and was involved in a bike accident this morning. No one seriously hurt, but that is just because they were lucky.


So he's now a drain on the IoM health system that he doesn't even pay into? (But I do hope that he's ok)

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if you had to have a bike licence before a car licence, and appreciate the vulnerability of other road users first, there'd be way less accidents
Quite. I always thought i was a decent driver until I went for my motorcycle licence. I'm now well aware that i have drastically improved as a driver...
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