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Has anyone got/had or know someone with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

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I have only bothered to see 1 doctor once in that surgery about this particular problem although things have changed since then and i have developed short-term memory problems since that time but as that surgery is far away from me now it's best that i go down to the other one that's about a 10-15 min walk from me and transfer and see a doctor there.


I know i can't claim to be disabled and i won't claim to be, i feel disabled but i'm just worried about seeing another doctor and getting fobbed off and going round in circles again where they do a blood test and then come out with the "Your probably Depressed" line.


You should see if there's a doctor at your surgery who specialises in ME, etc. Some doctors are better than others and it's pointless going to see one who you don't have confidence in. Anti-depressants are often prescribed for anxiety attacks, as well as depression, and you need to make it clear to the doctor that that was the reason you're taking them.


It can seem like you're beating head against a brick wall sometimes - but you need to keep trying until you find the right doctor.


I spent years saying I needed a hysterectomy, and getting fobbed off, then I found a doctor in the surgery who actually believed that I was capable of making a decision for myself and that I wasn't suddenly going to come over all broody! But the other doctors at the surgery were excellent for other problems - so it is all down to the attitude of the individual doctor.

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I have only bothered to see 1 doctor once in that surgery about this particular problem although things have changed since then and i have developed short-term memory problems since that time but as that surgery is far away from me now it's best that i go down to the other one that's about a 10-15 min walk from me and transfer and see a doctor there.


I know i can't claim to be disabled and i won't claim to be, i feel disabled but i'm just worried about seeing another doctor and getting fobbed off and going round in circles again where they do a blood test and then come out with the "Your probably Depressed" line.


if you have a condition that affects your day to day life, and the kind of things that you are able to do are limited by that condition, you are entitles to be classified as having a disability.

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I have been asleep for around 3 hours on the sofa today that's why i haven't been on since lunchtime.


As far as doctors are concerned i'm not the type of person who would be willing to keep seeing them for years, Doctors frustrate me and if i see yet another doctor who doesn't take me seriously enough or doesn't give me answers and doesn't bother doing enough investigation then i won't keep wasting my time with them because i just won't get anywhere.


Finding a decent doctor is quite rare from what i have seen, Most of them aren't interested and quickly fob you off or give you pills or blame it on other things, I can already predict what a doctor will say to me when i see one, Because i am on anti-depressants they will blame it on anxiety/depression.

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Also the reason i feel that i have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is because of these symptoms:-


-After sleeping you do not feel refreshed.

-Poor short-term memory and concentration.

-Sore throat.

-Psychological difficulties, such as depression, irritability and panic attacks.

-Sleeping problems, such as insomnia and disturbed sleep.

-Feeling worse after exercise.

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Also the reason i feel that i have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is because of these symptoms:-


-After sleeping you do not feel refreshed.

-Poor short-term memory and concentration.

-Sore throat.

-Psychological difficulties, such as depression, irritability and panic attacks.

-Sleeping problems, such as insomnia and disturbed sleep.

-Feeling worse after exercise.


I've got all of those though, and I don't have CFS. This is one of the problems of reading a list of symptoms.


I've got an underactive thyroid, a chronic spinal problem, arthritis in my hips, a partially paralysed arm and depression- but I'd answer 'yes' to all of the above questions, partly due to my illnesses and partly because of the painkillers which are sedative.


You need to talk to a doctor and keep pushing until you get the tests which can rule out other things.

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if you have a condition that affects your day to day life, and the kind of things that you are able to do are limited by that condition, you are entitles to be classified as having a disability.


Yea I forgot to say the person I knew that had CFS was on disability benefits.

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if you have a condition that affects your day to day life, and the kind of things that you are able to do are limited by that condition, you are entitles to be classified as having a disability.


Thing this i have got to fill out a council housing application form and it asks whether i consider myself to be disabled what do i put? I consider myself to be disabled but i'm actually classed as disabled.


I haven't seen a GP for around a year but i'm clearly having problems, As i said earlier in the thread i live in a 1st floor flat and with there being a set of stairs as soon as you go through the door it's a big of a nightmare firstly because it makes me out of breath due to my asthma and because of my fatigue problems as well, Having another set of stairs to get to the bedrooms is awkward, If there was only 1 set of stairs and not 2 it wouldn't be as bad, I just need some advice on what to put on this form.

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Thing this i have got to fill out a council housing application form and it asks whether i consider myself to be disabled what do i put? I consider myself to be disabled but i'm actually classed as disabled.


I haven't seen a GP for around a year but i'm clearly having problems, As i said earlier in the thread i live in a 1st floor flat and with there being a set of stairs as soon as you go through the door it's a big of a nightmare firstly because it makes me out of breath due to my asthma and because of my fatigue problems as well, Having another set of stairs to get to the bedrooms is awkward, If there was only 1 set of stairs and not 2 it wouldn't be as bad, I just need some advice on what to put on this form.


you need to put down, on the form, (with the help/ support of the citizen's advice bureau if necessary, as they can often help you phrase the details better) all the details of how much you are struggling.


if you need help and support, even if it's a property better-suited to your needs, (IE on ground level or better access) It's pointless trying to "soldier-on" - you need to ask, cos if you don''t ask, you don't get.

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Thing this i have got to fill out a council housing application form and it asks whether i consider myself to be disabled what do i put? I consider myself to be disabled but i'm actually classed as disabled.



if the question is do YOU consider your self disabled instead of are you disabled then i'd personaly put down that you see your self as disabled with a fatique condition but unless diagnoised you cant really name any condition


something that might really help is to keep a very detailed mood/ symptoms diary and make sure you record everything no matter how small of a detail after a few weeks make a appointment with the doctor and take in the diary to give them a more detailed discription of your problems if after than you do not feel your issue has been dealt with them maybe make a further appointment and ask to be refered to someone who specialises in cfs :)

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Today i struggled to get out of bed, I had around 9 and a half hours sleep but when i woke up i felt like i hadn't slept at all and still felt totally knackered and literally had to drag myself out of bed, I just don't ever feel refreshed after sleep.


Also my short-term memory is bothering me, I seem to forget a lot of things quite quickly, I just hope my memory problem is nothing too serious or something like dementia as sometimes i feel like i'm going mad and feel like my memory is going to get worse but i understand from reading up on CFS that short-term memory problems are a common symptom.


I have transferred to a new GP's surgery, Just got to wait for that to be completed and then i can book an appointment, I must admit i am nervous about seeing another GP because of past experiences and because i have not found them helpful so far, I hope to see a GP who will listen and understand and investigate to get to the bottom of my problem.

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