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Do you over-think things?

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I see 'too much' as when it stops you doing the things you normally would do or stops you from being you.

When Im thinking (negatively) too much I just end up getting frustrated and angry and upset which isn't me at all.

I think when its obviously becoming irrational is when its too much and thats when you need to stop.


Easier said than done I know... but you can do it!!

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When I'm alone with nothing to do, I start to over think things. It becomes dangerous. I start to get mad because I'm thinking about a certain thing too deeply... the thing is, I know I am and yet I can't stop myself.


I end up getting really frustrated I take it out on innocent people. I blame others for stupid things that probably aren't true...


Now maybe there's something wrong with me? I'm 16 and in the middle of my exams. I don't think it's exam stress because I'm pretty organized about it all. It's just... when -you- over think things, what are you like?


Because I don't think anything is actually really bothering me in my personal life... it's just when I start to think.

My bold


Nope - absolutely not, you sound totally normal to me! As someone else said, you probably are suffering from stress, albeit mildly. No matter how organised you are, how much work you've done, how well prepared you are, you'll still be a bit stressed, because exams are so important.


A bit of stress is no bad thing - it gets you going and improves your performance, being totally relaxed and laid back can be counter-productive.


Try and find something suitably mind-numbing to occupy yourself with when you feel the thoughts starting to run round like a hamster in a wheel. You can't stop yourself thinking when your mind starts whirling, but you can distract your mind from the thoughts. Play solitaire, or some other repetitive game, or try a cross-word or wordsearch, whatever suits you. Some people (weird creatures) even find something like ironing to be soothing!


Good luck with the exams.

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Do you over-think things?
As posted many times before, everybody does, to a greater or lesser extent.


For instance, the fact that it's my job to do so doesn't help, and -call it an occupational hazard- that tends to spill over into my private life. Can't be helped, it's a personal trait.


Just accept that you are likely to be nearer the "worrier-type" than the "care-free type" on a scale of personality types, and don't beat yourself (or others :D) up about it.


Previous advice about you taking up a brain semi-relaxing hobby (active but inconsequential stimulation, e.g. video/board/card games, rather than fully-passive like movie watching) is good advice. If the over-thinking spills out and you need to vent, consider a more involved, sports-type hobby (taking care not to pick one where you end up over-thinking again...as I did :D)

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When I'm alone with nothing to do, I start to over think things. It becomes dangerous. I start to get mad because I'm thinking about a certain thing too deeply... the thing is, I know I am and yet I can't stop myself.


I end up getting really frustrated I take it out on innocent people. I blame others for stupid things that probably aren't true...


Now maybe there's something wrong with me? I'm 16 and in the middle of my exams. I don't think it's exam stress because I'm pretty organized about it all. It's just... when -you- over think things, what are you like?


Because I don't think anything is actually really bothering me in my personal life... it's just when I start to think.


I am the biggest over thinker and a lot of my posts on here demostrate this... I over think about life, death, why things are how they are... EVERYTHING! I have generalized anxeity dissorder (GAD) so and get anxious and over analyse stuff - I wouldnt worry though - an inquisitive mind does wander and personally I think it is a sign of intellegance!!!

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When I'm alone with nothing to do, I start to over think things. It becomes dangerous. I start to get mad because I'm thinking about a certain thing too deeply... the thing is, I know I am and yet I can't stop myself.


I end up getting really frustrated I take it out on innocent people. I blame others for stupid things that probably aren't true...


Now maybe there's something wrong with me? I'm 16 and in the middle of my exams. I don't think it's exam stress because I'm pretty organized about it all. It's just... when -you- over think things, what are you like?


Because I don't think anything is actually really bothering me in my personal life... it's just when I start to think.


I am the biggest over thinker and a lot of my posts on here demostrate this... I over think about life, death, why things are how they are... EVERYTHING! I have generalized anxeity dissorder (GAD) so and get anxious and over analyse stuff - I wouldnt worry though - an inquisitive mind does wander and personally I think it is a sign of intellegence!!!

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You can be the most organized of people but still have that little bit of exam stress lurking in the background. Trust me, I know. I have a 16-y-o doing exams at the moment. It will pass.


How do you know it will, it may not pass.:o

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