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Study: Children of Lesbians May Do Better Than Their Peers

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You seem to be confusing expensive treatments like IVF for those with fertility problems & simply getting some donor sperm from the sperm bank which costs a fraction of complicated treatments like IVF.


I'm not confusing anything.


I was paraphrasing the report.

Have a read of it.


"recruiting was limited to the relatively small number of prospective mothers who felt safe enough to identify publicly

as lesbian, who had the economic resources to afford DI, and who, in the pre-Internet era, were affiliated with

the communities in which the study was advertised."

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I'm not confusing anything.


I was paraphrasing the report.

Have a read of it.


"recruiting was limited to the relatively small number of prospective mothers who felt safe enough to identify publicly

as lesbian, who had the economic resources to afford DI, and who, in the pre-Internet era, were affiliated with

the communities in which the study was advertised."

But you were as people don't need to be 'affluent' to afford DI which really isn't that expensive.

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Oh come on it's not as if lesbians live in women only communes and home school their children (well none I've heard of do anyway). Like most children the children of lesbians interact with plenty of adults who aren't their parents.


My OH and I are very conscious of the need to ensure our two children spend time with male friends and relatives who are strong role models. This is important for both of them and our son needs to see this for obvious reasons.

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But you were as people don't need to be 'affluent' to afford DI which really isn't that expensive.


Stop trying to split hairs. The report is very clear. The study group recognise a limitation of their sources as they are likely to be more financially well off than the average.


Bit like saying 'more affluent'.


The report continues to say elsewhere that there are no possibilities to compare like for like in terms of social background, income etc.


The authors are very scientific in their analyses and provide opportunity for further research to try and overcome any bias.

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It's only one study of course but it adds a bit more to the ever growing pile of evidence which suggests not having heterosexual parents is anything but disastrous for children.


It doesn't suggest that at all though does it? What it suggests (rightly and glaringly obviously) is that responsible parents who take an interest in their families experience less problems with their family.


Since there doesn't seem to be any control group in the study it just proves that nice caring people begat nice caring people. I like that simple, old fashioned idea.


Lesbian, gay, straight, bi, tri, Uncle Tom Cobbly or Gary Liniker... who cares. Here's to nice people ! :)

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It sounds from this


The authors found that children raised by lesbian mothers — whether the mother was partnered or single — scored very similarly to children raised by heterosexual parents on measures of development and social behavior. These findings were expected, the authors said; however, they were surprised to discover that children in lesbian homes scored higher than kids in straight families on some psychological measures of self-esteem and confidence, did better academically and were less likely to have behavioral{sic} problems, such as rule-breaking and aggression.

That the control group was the general population.

So I think that Pleks assertion is supported, the study provides evidence which suggests that having non-heterosexual parents is not detrimental to a child.

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The 'general population ' isn't a proper isolated control though is it?


Since the point of the study was 'lesbian couples' which is a very specific grouping within the population the control should be an equally comparative grouping within the general population such as 'straight couples' or 'gay couples' or 'Gary Lineker'.


I get the feeling that the point of the study is being misapporiated.

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