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Study: Children of Lesbians May Do Better Than Their Peers

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Who paid for it?


"The NLLFS was supported in part by grants from the Gill Foundation, the

Lesbian Health Fund of the Gay Lesbian Medical Association, Horizons Foundation, and the Roy Scrivner Fund of the American Psychological Association.


Funding sources played no role in the design or conduct of the study; the management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; or the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript."

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It turns out that one of the researchers Henny Bos (a lesbian woman, not a man called Henry as assumed by the media) did her PHd in "parenting in planned lesbian families" and is on the editorial board of the Journal Of Lesbian Studies


The other researcher is Nanette Gartrell is a lesbian associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the Center of Excellence in Women's Health for the University of California and author of the book My Answer Is No


They are both on the team of the USA National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study


The USA National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study (NLLFS) has been following lesbian mothers and their children, who were conceived by donor insemination (DI) during the lesbian baby boom of the 1980s. Initiated by Nanette Gartrell, MD, the NLLFS examines the social, psychological, and emotional development of the children as well as the dynamics of alternative families and children of LGBT parents. This is the longest-running and largest prospective investigation of lesbian moms and their children in the United States. This study is intended to generate information for specialists in healthcare, family services, sociology, feminist studies, education, ethics, gay marriage, and public policy on matters pertaining to LGBT families.
Which is funded by

The Arcus Foundation

BACW’s A Fund Of Our Own, administered by the Horizons Foundation

The California Endowment

The California Wellness Foundation

The Gill Foundation

The Lesbian Health Fund of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association

Mertz-Gilmore Foundation

The Roy Scrivner Fund of the American Psychological Foundation

The Susan A. and Donald P. Babson Charitable Foundation

Uncommon Legacy Foundation

The Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law



Just a little rigour presents the study in a slightly different light. I am sure that they are both experienced and impartial scientists but the background to the study, the people involved and who paid for it is helpful when understanding the context.

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And your claims, which I agree with, are simply in line with the claims of any responsible gay couple that want or have children. I have never heard them claim that they are better than heterosexual parents, but they do have to fight against the prejudices of a large number of people who believe they will make awful parents.


It is reassuring that all these studies so far, even accepting for their limitations, seem to concur with your post and the claims of the homosexual parents.


I am perfectly willing to accept that the only "advantages" children may gain from having gay parents can be explained by other factors. None of them will be getting pregnant with somebody they don't know after getting drunk, it is unlikely that they will be having kids to claim benefits, and they will all be in the economic position to pay for AI treatment at least. But study after study, drip by drip, the claims that "having gay parents is harmful to a child" are shown to be poisonous nonsense.

I agree with everything that you have said. The fact is that lesbian couples cannot/do not get pregnant on a whim; it has to be well thought out and planned which consequently will make for a very committed parent.


What is paramount is that children are brought up in a loving environment, what sexuality their parents are matters not a jot in the great scheme of things.

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It turns out that one of the researchers Henny Bos (a lesbian woman, not a man called Henry as assumed by the media) did her PHd in "parenting in planned lesbian families" and is on the editorial board of the Journal Of Lesbian Studies


The other researcher is Nanette Gartrell is a lesbian associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the Center of Excellence in Women's Health for the University of California and author of the book My Answer Is No


They are both on the team of the USA National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study


Which is funded by

The Arcus Foundation

BACW’s A Fund Of Our Own, administered by the Horizons Foundation

The California Endowment

The California Wellness Foundation

The Gill Foundation

The Lesbian Health Fund of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association

Mertz-Gilmore Foundation

The Roy Scrivner Fund of the American Psychological Foundation

The Susan A. and Donald P. Babson Charitable Foundation

Uncommon Legacy Foundation

The Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law



Just a little rigour presents the study in a slightly different light. I am sure that they are both experienced and impartial scientists but the background to the study, the people involved and who paid for it is helpful when understanding the context.


Just spotted this thread, and was about to ask the same questions as you. In addition, you've found many of the answers!


For the record, I have no issue with lesbian parents (I'd like to think there are positive male role models around at some point, as that can only be beneficial), but knowing the funding sources etc of such a study is helpful.


As people say, there are lies, damned lies and statistics (or something similar! :hihi:) So I'm always a bit wary of single studies, particularly when those carrying out/paying for the study may be said to have a vested interest in the result...(I'm not saying thats the case here, but it's a good rule of thumb.)

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