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Wombwell woods Tunnel / Convicts tunnel

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Hey all, Im looking for the convicts tunnel so its nicknames. Wombell woods the tunnel ends or starts. which eva,

If you can give me more info on this tunnel that be good.


Length of the tunnel and were it is in the woods... is mainly what i need.


thank you.

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Picture here (not hard to find using google)




But surely if you've done what the best scientists in the world have done and made somthing that can detect ghosts, surely you've only got to go to Wombwell Wood and turn your machine on?


Or turn it on anywhere.

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lol yes, i know and seen that picture thanks i googled it before i came on here.


Them links dont say were it is in wombwell woods.. lol i need to know the length, and location.





Use a bit of initiative for once in your life - multimap has the OS maps for the area - or why don't you go there and ask some of the locals - for a ghostbuster you do like to be spoonfed :roll:

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Use a bit of initiative for once in your life - multimap has the OS maps for the area - or why don't you go there and ask some of the locals - for a ghostbuster you do like to be spoonfed :roll:


Surely by asking on this know all's forum he is showing initiative?

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Bitchy, very bitcy. The main reason i dont come on sheffield forum alot is because of the sarcastic comments that you get from over opinionated self rightious people that shouldn't really waste their time in even writing a comment if it contains personal attacking prose. Yes lee has a hobby, and yes his links are there, but you dont have to look.

Your right lee, there is'nt alot of info on the tunnel on google so it worth a look and maybe send some pictures to http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/forums/ as they dont seem to have any photos of it either.

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I remember going for walks as a child, and going to Convicts' Tunnel, but couldn't remember where exactly it was.


But I've asked my dad, and he says it's off Smithley Lane:




As you walk down Smithley Lane from its junction with Aldham House Lane, the road does quite a few bends. There's a track off to the right on one of them (think it's the one in the google maps link above), and Convicts' Tunnel is down that track. Apparently if you carry on, the track takes you to Dovecliffe.


Hope this helps, but please don't blame me if you get lost :)

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