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Did anyone used to live in the High Rise flats on Lowedges?

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Hi, I was wondering if anyone used to live in any of the three High Rise flats that used to be on Lowedges? Any one want to share stories of from when they first moved into them from when they were first built till their destruction or living there a short while (like myself) before they came down? I have lived on Lowedges pretty much all my life so have lots of loving, great but also not so great memories of them! Any one else?!

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I used to live at the side of them on Atlantic Road near the bus terminus from around 1956 to 1972. As kids we were told never to play in the lifts as the caretaker would ring the police.

I never liked them, they always seemed creepy in the lobby area, think it was when the wind whistled down the lift shaft.

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I used to live at the side of them on Atlantic Road near the bus terminus from around 1956 to 1972. As kids we were told never to play in the lifts as the caretaker would ring the police.

I never liked them, they always seemed creepy in the lobby area, think it was when the wind whistled down the lift shaft.



I always found the lobby area creepy too and the area at the bottom of the stairs near the lifts creeped me out all the time!!! The little "room" in the lobby area near the main doors was always closed and I wondered what was in there!? I miss seeing those big giants as you approach Lowedges, but I must admit it has slightly improved the look of the area, since they've gone, but still miss them!!!

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