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Why Do We Die ??

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DNA and RNA replicate imperfectly, so over time we become more and more "old" with flaws that cause many a disease associated with old age.


Not mine. You lot must be some form of sub-human. :D


I'll get back to you with proof of this in about 200 years time. :D

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In the future we may not have to die.


A company in the US (where else ? :) ) is working on a project to digitise our minds with a view to implanting them in a robot or a computer.




At the moment they just make a very very poor software simulation of you.

Even if they fully scan and digitise your brain, that's not you, that's a replica of you.

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At the moment they just make a very very poor software simulation of you.

Even if they fully scan and digitise your brain, that's not you, that's a replica of you.


Yes...at the moment. They would need he ability to somehow transplant the mind, the sentient self, as well as the just the memories and some sensory abilities.

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Why do we die?




Just remember that one day you will ...


"Remember man as thou go[est] by,

as thou art now [so once] was I

As I do now, so must thou lie,

remember man, that thou shalt die."

Riley Graves at Eyam


"You will die, it will be awful."

"Every man dies, not every man really lives"

Braveheart ...


"There are millions of people yearning for immortality

who don't know what to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon."

Susan Ertz


Memento mori - remember that you must die.

"eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die"

Latin phrase


Cheers! :?

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