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White South African farmers/murdered

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Well that a rather silly remark and shows your lack of in depth knowledge.

Just how did the British government know beforehand how much of despot Mugabe would turn out to be?


Please dont patronise me Highfields, you have no idea about me or my depth of knowledge.


The point is that in the not too distant past Mugabe was the great 'white' hope as far as the British were concerned, I didn't suggest there was anything improper in that belief or his future behaviour should have been predicted.

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Please dont patronise me Highfields, you have no idea about me or my depth of knowledge.


The point is that in the not too distant past Mugabe was the great 'white' hope as far as the British were concerned, I didn't suggest there was anything improper in that belief or his future behaviour should have been predicted.

Well the tone of the remark below sugests different view


although the British government were keen to support him against the republican Ian Smith.

The British government accepted who won the elections with no bias towards any candidate

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You are assuming they moved to South Africa to maintain their "white supremacist" lifestyle

Yes, that's right: to continue living under a regime that would favour them at the expense of others based purely on racist ideology. There would have been a variety options as I stated already.


(that's also a big assumption that they were white supremacists, rather than just white - again racist) when in fact they were driven out. Again, why shouldn't refugees go to a neighbouring state, regardless of the regime there?

If you choose to go and live in a white supremacist state and depart for another one when your chosen state's regime is overthrown it's more than just coincidence. Do you think the only white people living in Africa were resident in either Rhodesia or the Apartheid state, for goodness sake? No white people in Zambia? Botswana? I feel you are really clutching at straws now and just coming back for the sake of it, with no real purpose other than to completely ignore what is in front of you and brand me a racist.


They were refugees.

Maybe. A lot of whites left African countries because they couldn't bear the idea of equality for blacks - ie. majority rule being achieved.


Do we dictate to refugees where they should and shouldn't go? Should they have a checklist of criteria that goes beyond it being safe?

The Apartheid state is an interesting choice. People know what was going on there and in Rhodesia even if you don't / choose to act as if you don't.



It wasn't set up for me, I've never been to SA, though I have been to Zim.

Not 'you' personally, clever clogs, people of your ethnicity. :rolleyes:


You show your racism again, assuming all whites where as bad as the very worst.

Actually I'm anti-racist. Which is why I object to some of the heavily biased twaddle posted on this thread. Funnily enough I know white Africans. One is a South African who was an anti-apartheid activist who exiled himself to Botswana to attend university.



would that include the basic right to beat and burn people out of their homes?

You may not realise it but you're doing a fine job of showing yourself up now.


Why is it a problem that "white supremacist refuges" are running out?

It's only a problem for those who like to live in such places.


It suggest you think they were white supremacists, which is unsubstantiated.

Happy enough to live in the racist Smith's 'Rhodesia'. Check.


Chose to move to the Apartheid state rather than other neighbouring countries with non-oppressive regimes. Check.


Unconcerned with the treatment of the indiginous African population > "I very much doubt that it bothered them one way or another" Check.


You assume that just because of their skin colour.

You on the race tip again? (You're wrong by the way). Unlike yourself, I've bee reading all of what's been written.

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