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White South African farmers/murdered

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I asked a simple question and wanted a straight simple answer, and you once again boyfriday, like you have many times before, have twisted and changed tack, gone off on tangents etc to turn things round to your way of thinking.

I'm not asking about other human rights abuses etc, my question was strictly on one issue only.

Have a look at my first contributions to your thread, if it was taken off message it was because of the intervention of others. I addressed your concerns from outset.

This is a FACT -

Whites killing black farmers in SA, world denouncement ! I rest my case and wont be taking any further part in this thread, i have raised the question and i'm happy with that.

I did know before hand who would be jumping in here and what they would spout, thank you for proving me right.


Proving what right? Have I said it doesn't happen? Have I tried to make excuses for it?




I've denounced the murder of white farmers several times. The fact it doesn't receive the column inches you'd like it to isn't exclusive to this issue, which is basically the only point I've made, it has nothing to do with the colour of the victims (which you believe it is), it's more about global intrasigence to most abuses of human rights, unless there's a commercial advantage in having an interest.

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Perhaps you should try reading people's posts before you resort to the points scoring. I made no reference whatsoever to life expectancy in South Africa. But you appear to want to divert this thread off its topic.


I pointed out that there are white and black squatter camps and that in those camps there is little to choose between the living standards of blacks and whites although blacks now stand a far better chance of being housed now that the Government is moving more towards a Zimbabwean style of positive (if that is the right word) discrimination.


I think the fact that you visited South Africa in the 1980s is irrelevant to the situation now. It is about as different a country as Latvia pre and post Soviet break up.


The fact is that the South African Government did little to condemn the murder of white farmers and seizure of their lands in Zimbabwe, when its actions could have drastically altered the situation. The reason is now becoming clear as a similar situation is starting to develop in South Africa. I was born in the country, lived there much of my life, and visit at least once a year. I don't need someone quoting from Wiki to tell me what is going on there.


Is it the case that Zimbabwe used to be known as the breadbasket of Africa but now blacks have "displaced" white farmers (ie murdered and used violent means as well as legal ones) as Boyfriday puts it that is no longer the case?


And yes BF I do think that races should stick for themselves especially whites who are a minority race worldwide, I think the figure is somewhere around 8%.


It's no surprise therefore to read this thread and see you try to trump the white farmers situation with a mainly black AIDs epidemic.

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Is it the case that Zimbabwe used to be known as the breadbasket of Africa but now blacks have "displaced" white farmers (ie murdered and used violent means as well as legal ones) as Boyfriday puts it that is no longer the case?


And yes BF I do think that races should stick for themselves especially whites who are a minority race worldwide, I think the figure is somewhere around 8%.


It's no surprise therefore to read this thread and see you try to trump the white farmers situation with a mainly black AIDs epidemic.



Where has that happened? Someone mentioned the life expectancy in SA and BF addressed it.

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Is it the case that Zimbabwe used to be known as the breadbasket of Africa but now blacks have "displaced" white farmers (ie murdered and used violent means as well as legal ones) as Boyfriday puts it that is no longer the case?
If you check back you'll see I also put 'displaced' in inverted commas, because it's a benign phrase used by the SA politicians who are championing this policy, to disguise murder-a little like the Nazis telling concentration camp Jews they were going for a 'shower'.

And yes BF I do think that races should stick for themselves especially whites who are a minority race worldwide, I think the figure is somewhere around 8%.

Well I don't believe that, it's a ridiculous objective and will only further the global conflicts that have punctuated the 20th Century.

It's no surprise therefore to read this thread and see you try to trump the white farmers situation with a mainly black AIDs epidemic.

Really? I was trying to answer the OP, which was his belief that the murder of white farmers wasn't widely reported or causing 'outrage'. I was simply pointing out that there are lots of issues that deserve wider coverage but don't receive it.


I only mentioned black African AIDS sufferers because dean1 seemed to be of the opinion that no one was interested in the farmers because they were white, well there are 5 million AIDS victims in SA and the life expectancy of blacks is only 40 years, I don't suppose you or he knew that either.

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I haven't even bothered to read your replies after you implied that my Father was a Prick on another thread. Imagine If I had said something similar regard your Grandmother who you rate so highly when you get the chance?


No doubt the PC Police would be clamping down and banning me but you get away scot free.


So try as much as you want to compare but I know more about a black Africans and the Aids epidemic than I know about the horrendous murders of indigenous white South Africans.


Anyone googling the two subjects could work that one out. :loopy:

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I haven't even bothered to read your replies after you implied that my Father was a Prick on another thread.
I'd forgotten about that, but thank you for reminding me of my finest forum moment, incidentally it was you I was calling a prick, not your father.


Imagine If I had said something similar regard your Grandmother who you rate so highly when you get the chance?
Well she's 95 now, still has a sharp sense of humour, and would have appreciated the gesture, just as I would if your observations had been well conceived ;)

No doubt the PC Police would be clamping down and banning me but you get away scot free.

Streamline, don't let this persecution complex grind you down, you'll lose your teeth-I've been censured before and had hundreds of posts deleted, but of course you dont want to hear that.

So try as much as you want to compare but I know more about a black Africans and the Aids epidemic than I know about the horrendous murders of indigenous white South Africans.

Well that's probably because you take the time to read the newspapers, unlike the OP. However I didn't suggest one was any more newsworthy than the other, BOTH issues, along with many other global human tragedies, deserve superior coverage, especially when the public are more aware of who's entering the Big Brother House.

Anyone googling the two subjects could work that one out. :loopy:

Indeed, I wonder why the OP didn't do it.
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Yet another post I read the first sentences and then lost interest. Still I guess you have to keep "the camp fire burning".


Notice how that was in quotes do you?


ps I'm not interested in spongers who can relate to a long list of spongers.

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Yet another post I read the first sentences and then lost interest. Still I guess you have to keep "the camp fire burning".


Notice how that was in quotes do you?


ps I'm not interested in spongers who can relate to a long list of spongers.




..like a moth to a flame ;)

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Imagine If I had said something similar regard your Grandmother who you rate so highly when you get the chance?


Ps: Btw, you woefully insult my grandmother when you come on here and spout that white supremacy claptrap, if your favoured party ever came to power she'd be dispatched back to the country of her birth. I guess it's not dissimilar to the position white farmers in South Africa find themselves in.

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