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Will Afghanistan ever see peace while foreign soldiers on its soil ?

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"These people are from a culture of lawlessness and fear, they have no respect for laws of any kind, they live in backward mental state that belongs to a time long past."


Sounds like Barnsley !

Especialy 'Lundwood'

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Well you name me one 21st century state/country whose weekend sport is shooting educated women in the back of the head with an AK47 in the middle of a football pitch.

When they get the chance they still kill females for going to school.

Whether mods like it or not there is a common denominator here because it is the next country to Pakistan.


The plight of women and the people of that state wasn't why we went in, only the gullible are taken in to think this was some kind of humanitarian mission.


Have a read about the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline.

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The plight of women and the people of that state wasn't why we went in, only the gullible are taken in to think this was some kind of humanitarian mission.


Have a read about the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline.

I agree with you there, but I did feel at the time having seen how they used to treat women that if they saved women from that kind of barbarity it was worth it.

I was sickened when I saw smuggled out footage of women being dragged into the middle of Kabul football ground and having their brains blown out whilst the male (I won't give them the title men) scum cheered and enjoyed it.

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Will Afghanistan see peace, they'll just go back to producing opium the only thing they seem capable of doing.


I think you'll find spanking the invaders is another capability you may be choosing to ignore. the distinction is between the Afghan people and the Taliban. The people are the victims of self righeous of various persuasioms, whether invasive scum or home grown sc

um. The home grown variety has the advantage of language and being able to point to attrocities committed by cold blooded murder of civilians by use of remote drones, then being categorised as terrorists. Opium production is nothing to go back to as it is already the production has never been higher. All that seemingly under the protection and blessings of the invaders. It was the Taliban who cut the opium production to zero.


The young men who have been born into reffugee camps seeing nothing but war and misery find it easy enough to take to war weapons, especially to fight the invading forces. Idiology is the least of the worries of young volunteers, that is the life they have lived anyway so why would they fight against their own herritage? Low formal education levels mean the only education they get is in weapon use and the passing on of stories of deception and killing by invasions of the British colonial past and the attempted repeat of the same. You would do well to learn why they do the things they do and why not all Muslims are like the Taliban.

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I agree with you there, but I did feel at the time having seen how they used to treat women that if they saved women from that kind of barbarity it was worth it.

I was sickened when I saw smuggled out footage of women being dragged into the middle of Kabul football ground and having their brains blown out whilst the male (I won't give them the title men) scum cheered and enjoyed it.


no worse than the impotent scum who cheer at death of civilians of Afghanistan and excuse their murder by calling women and children terrorists. Thousands of murdered civilians are a testimony to the double standards of defining justice. The women killed in your scenario were part of the country with such draconian laws and when committing the acts they were accused and found guilty of they knew what the consequenses would be if caught. Judicial killing is still praticed in the USA, where the victim ends up dead whether a crowd is watching or not. Extra judicial killing is practiced by your beloved another terrorist state too but of course we would have more excuses to justify their terrorism, hypocrisy or what?

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"These people are from a culture of lawlessness and fear, they have no respect for laws of any kind, they live in backward mental state that belongs to a time long past.

They harbour despots and criminals of all kinds and would probably welcome Gadaffi. "


Bigoted, unthinking nonsense.

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