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Will Afghanistan ever see peace while foreign soldiers on its soil ?

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I'm not causing trouble the only conffirmation is that you are afraid to post your convictions, you made an ill judged remark that could have been meant for various targets.

I've asked you a simple question to which you're keen to shy away from answering other than to make assumptions


Is it a generalisation regarding scum (which deserves defining)?

Is it directed at anyone on this forum and if so who?


Readers don't hold your breath if previous avoidances are anything to go on.

Get off your soap box you seem to be playing up to the gallery for some reason:loopy:

Here is the interaction and your use of the word scum

I was sickened when I saw smuggled out footage of women being dragged into the middle of Kabul football ground and having their brains blown out whilst the male (I won't give them the title men) scum cheered and enjoyed it.



no worse than the impotent scum who cheer at death of civilians of Afghanistan and excuse their murder by calling women and children terrorists.


Your use of the word was compared in a post where I said those you referred to as scum are no worse than or equal to ie just as bad as the scum who celebrate deaths of Afghan civilians, what is that you are offended about and why? Are you one of those who cheer at their deaths by any chance? I don't see it as an ill judged remark and I stand by considering all those who cheer at death of civilians as scum, why are you offended?


Are you as sickened when the IDF kill civilians or is it just when the Taliban scum do it? I know I am when any terrorist does so, are you? We haven't yet had a condemnation of deliberate killings of civilians from you yet regarding those you seem not to want to discuss on here, why is that? A little biased or prejudiced maybe?


If you still don't understand then seek help.

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I agree with you there, but I did feel at the time having seen how they used to treat women that if they saved women from that kind of barbarity it was worth it.

I was sickened when I saw smuggled out footage of women being dragged into the middle of Kabul football ground and having their brains blown out whilst the male (I won't give them the title men) scum cheered and enjoyed it.


Please the plight of women in Afghanistan hasn't changed the new government the coalition of the wlling are propping up is infested with war lords who have committed far more heinous crimes against humanity.

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They choose to live that way and you need to read up about the way things work in that country in relation to tribal areas.

I don't see how we should tell other nations how to govern.


what like the taliban do:suspect:


The taliban don't govern you nor me.

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Your use of the word was compared in a post where I said those you referred to as scum are no worse than or equal to ie just as bad as the scum who celebrate deaths of Afghan civilians,


Are you as sickened when the IDF kill civilians or is it just when the Taliban scum do it? I know I am when any terrorist does so, .


I don't know anyone on this forum who's celebrated the deaths of civillians.


My scum remark refered to the muslim taliban supporters who cheered and bayed when Afghan women had their brains blown out for being educated.


I'm sickened when any innocent person is killed but not as sickened as when the cowardly hamas/hezbolah use women and children as human shields whilst firing rockets into Israeli towns, and discharging AK47s & RPG at the IDF all from behind women and children or from residential areas.

If women and children are killed in these situations then you cannot blame the IDF If those women and children are killed, but let the IDF step out of line and all hell breaks loose.

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Please the plight of women in Afghanistan hasn't changed the new government the coalition of the wlling are propping up is infested with war lords who have committed far more heinous crimes against humanity.


My Bold

Of course it's changed, women are now able to get an education, they just get shot by passing insurgents outside schools.

There is still much wrong in Afghanistan as their concept of human rights is in line with radical islam and not with our way of thinking.

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I don't know anyone on this forum who's celebrated the deaths of civillians.



When the IDF killed a schoolchild you claimed the child must have been involved in terrorist actions.


This was not true. You posted untruths about a dead child and called the dead child "scum"




In the examples I gave the children were doing NOTHING suspicious, or wrong, or threatening.


In many cases they were simply walking to school and the IDF shot them in the head.

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My Bold

Of course it's changed, women are now able to get an education, they just get shot by passing insurgents outside schools.

There is still much wrong in Afghanistan as their concept of human rights is in line with radical islam and not with our way of thinking.


Karzai (mayor of kabul);) has no control beyond kabul that is common knowledge so don't believe the media reports that there is change.

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