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Will Afghanistan ever see peace while foreign soldiers on its soil ?

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You have to defeat their ideas, it's not all about killing everyone who is a potential member of the Taliban. I feel that only Afghanistan it's self can do this. The West's role is to provide the prosperity to Afghanistan, which will be their main tool to defeat the Taliban ideal.

There ideal started off as bringing law and order when there was total breakdown of such and were welcomed by their people for bringing justice. They have now moved over to mere revenge and play on resentment and shame brought on their people by outsiders coming to rule over them merely because they are Muslims. The invaders being helped by their own brethren Muslims who seek only wealth at whatever cost to the Afghan people. The motivation is less about ideals now and merely a gorilla army with a blood fued. pakistan is suffering becaise the Taliban have been successful in recruiting and brainwashing young Pashtoon kids to commit suicide attacks against other pakistanis who don't support their cause.

the only thing that would change their status is a fredom that they feel they have won rather than been handed after being defeated.

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It will never see peace for many years, occupied or not. There are better ways of reaching hearts and minds however than killing the local population.

Education, education, education seems the only way out and that will take time.

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We are on the brink of another war with Iran ,


the 3rd time British soldiers have attempted to occupy Afghanistan,


is there really a end in sight ?


Will the local tribes ever accept soldiers who they call “infidels” to occupy their land?


We've already made parts of it a safer place for the good people of the land.

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Whilst the Taliban are in Afghanistan there will never be peace there. Iran almost invaded them in the late 1990's, it was only after UN intervention that the 100 thousand men on the border was recalled. I've got a feeling that we do not sort out the Taliban this time, history will repeat itself and we will be back there in 10 years time after another atrocity.


The big question is, can a foreign army defeat the Taliban by force, on this issue I'm not too sure that it can. So what I think that we need to be attempting is to improve the infrastructure of the country to allow the Afghans defeat the Taliban by themselves.






Iran was only about to invade after its people were Butchered by the Taliban, Iran did not press ahead as the regime is NOT one which calls for war at every opportunity it can get!!!


U.N resolution??!!! sigh.... Why did the UN not even Batter a Eye Lid when Saddam Invaded Iran?! PLEASE EXPLAIN THAT ONE!!


Taliban are the People of Afghanistan! Unless you wipe out the population by at least 50% you have NO hope of winning a Gorilla war ( Learn History )


P.S Navy/marines/soldiers do not Build Nations They Destroy Nations!

The token school which is built & then propagated by the BBC is usually burnt down by the Taliban who see the forces as yet another army here to conquer them.

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Not strictly true. The Taleban's main training and recruitment base is across the border in Quetta, and an awful lot of the insurgents who cross into Afghanistan to fight the coalition forces are young radicalised pakistanis who have been given an extremist education in the Wahabi Madrassas in northern Pakistan that were founded, using US dollars brought in from Saudi Arabia, to take jihad into Kashmir.


For anyone who is interested, I suggest you read up about Greg Mortensen who is an american climber who has dedicated his life to building schools in the the remote villages of the border regions of Pakistan/Afghanistan, NWFP etc.. to offer an alternative education for the children of these villages. IMO, his efforts will ultimately be far more effective in stopping the spread of the kind of fundamentalism that is taught in these madrassas than the $trillions the US and UK governments will have spent by the time we eventually accept defeat and pull out.




We heard the same rubbish about Iraq , “ insurgents are foreigners “ “ insurgents are crossing in from Iran Syria”


Please don’t talk such utter garbage!


If any ones nation was invaded by a foreign army you will see resistance from all.


While I do not doubt that there is a element of foreign fighters in the countries, The propaganda that you have just spewed is the same story we have heard before!

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Iran was only about to invade after its people were Butchered by the Taliban, Iran did not press ahead as the regime is NOT one which calls for war at every opportunity it can get!!!


U.N resolution??!!! sigh.... Why did the UN not even Batter a Eye Lid when Saddam Invaded Iran?! PLEASE EXPLAIN THAT ONE!!


Taliban are the People of Afghanistan! Unless you wipe out the population by at least 50% you have NO hope of winning a Gorilla war ( Learn History )


P.S Navy/marines/soldiers do not Build Nations They Destroy Nations!

The token school which is built & then propagated by the BBC is usually burnt down by the Taliban who see the forces as yet another army here to conquer them.


Are you sure you've quoted the right post?


If you have I guess you need to re-read what I posted. I never even hinted at UN resolutions so that's a figment of your imagination, so I fail to see how you manage draw those conclusions. The UN intervention was in the form of mediation which was hosted in in Dubai.


It is another figment of your imagination that I said that Iran was a blood thirsty nation.


Yet another figment of your imagination is your notion of Gorilla war, I never suggested that this is needed to overcome the Taliban.


Your hyperbolic rant then concludes with your opinion of the futility of armed forces attempting to rebuild nations. You're welcome to share your opinions, but what has that particular rant got to do with my post?


It's telling that you've insinuated lots of things in your reply to my post that's not really applicable, but you've completely ingored these issues that I've raised:


I've got a feeling that we do not sort out the Taliban this time, history will repeat itself and we will be back there in 10 years time after another atrocity.


The big question is, can a foreign army defeat the Taliban by force, on this issue I'm not too sure that it can. So what I think that we need to be attempting is to improve the infrastructure of the country to allow the Afghans defeat the Taliban by themselves.

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We heard the same rubbish about Iraq , “ insurgents are foreigners “ “ insurgents are crossing in from Iran Syria”


Please don’t talk such utter garbage!


If any ones nation was invaded by a foreign army you will see resistance from all.


While I do not doubt that there is a element of foreign fighters in the countries, The propaganda that you have just spewed is the same story we have heard before!


I'm very sorry that you think what I have posted is just propaganda. I have actually read a lot about this subject and what I posted is pretty much accepted fact. Many of the senior Taleban members escaped across the border to Pakistan when the US/UK began their operations in 2001. The then Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf was, and remains, a two-faced snake in the grass who was publically supporting the Americans while at the same time aiding, funding and training the Taleban; and along with the ISI he allowed the Taleban to regroup mostly in Quetta where they began recruiting to take the jihad to the Americans and British in southern Afghanistan.


The branch of radical Islam that the Taleban followed was sprung from the northern regions of Pakistan so that they could take their insurgent fight to the Indians in Kashmir. In fact, when the Taleban took control of Afghanistan in the late 90s, a large percentage of them were Pakistanis who had received this fundamentalist education and wanted to be invloved in creating a pure islamic state in Afghanistan.


The main reason that Musharraf wanted to aid the Taleban was because he feared that the NA was being controlled, or at the very least influenced by the Indian secret service due to the mutual paranoia and distrust between India and Pakistan. He knew that the Taleban were sympathetic towards Pakistan in their feud with India so it suited him to have a friendly government in Afghanistan rather than one that was sympathetic to what he saw as his arch enemies.


If you have some evidence that what I have posted is incorrect then please feel free to share it with us because I know there are always two sides to every story and I would be interested to hear another side. I don't have an agenda, just an interest in what is going on in our world, so I'm not trying to force my opinion down anybody's throat. I'm a reasonable man who will accept when I am wrong so I look forward to reading whatever you may have to say about it.

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