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Will Afghanistan ever see peace while foreign soldiers on its soil ?

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As of June 9, 2010, the British forces have suffered 293 fatalities and 1,062 wounded in action, another 2,247 have suffered from disease or non-battle injuries. Of these, 258 soldiers were killed as a result of hostile action, while 34 are known to have died either as a result of illness, non-combat injuries or accidents, or have not yet officially been assigned a cause of death pending the outcome of an investigation. The vast majority of fatalities have taken place since the redeployment of British forces to the Taliban stronghold of Helmand province in 2006, as only 5 men died between April 2002 and early March 2006.

Does anyone think it is worth it?

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We heard the same rubbish about Iraq , “ insurgents are foreigners “ “ insurgents are crossing in from Iran Syria”


Please don’t talk such utter garbage!


If any ones nation was invaded by a foreign army you will see resistance from all.


While I do not doubt that there is a element of foreign fighters in the countries, The propaganda that you have just spewed is the same story we have heard before!


I know I have already responded to this post, but I came across this news article today quite by coincidence, and it would seem to back up everything that I said and make you look a little bit foolish at the same time...



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Apply to what?:huh:

Are you telling us that Afghanistan was peaceful before coalition or Russian troops arrived?

Afghanistan and Pakistan have been the main breeding grounds for terrorism for years.

Aghanistan has funded terrorism through it's opium harvest

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The vast majority of fatalities have taken place since the redeployment of British forces to the Taliban stronghold of Helmand province in 2006, as only 5 men died between April 2002 and early March 2006.

Does anyone think it is worth it?

So just what is the answer to the Islamic based terrorism that is pouring out from these pariah countries?

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So just what is the answer to the Islamic based terrorism that is pouring out from these pariah countries?


As tab1 mentioned earlier: education.


For many children living in the poorest villages in the border regions, the only real education available to them is the extremist kind taught at the Wahabi madrassas. They need to be given an alternative option: a grounded, secular education. It will take many, many years, but in the long term it will be far more effective than the use of military force.

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So just what is the answer to the Islamic based terrorism that is pouring out from these pariah countries?


Select some of their young men of military age,

Train them and send them back to defend their country.


(In the case of the Afghans, you wouldn't have to pay to ship them all the way from Afghanistan. - You could just pick them up at Sangatte or at Folkestone.)

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As tab1 mentioned earlier: education.


For many children living in the poorest villages in the border regions, the only real education available to them is the extremist kind taught at the Wahabi madrassas. They need to be given an alternative option: a grounded, secular education. It will take many, many years, but in the long term it will be far more effective than the use of military force.

Yes we've seen the education that women got, being used for target practise in the middle of Kabul football field for learning to read.

Educate these peoople as to what the date is.

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Select some of their young men of military age,

Train them and send them back to defend their country.


(In the case of the Afghans, you wouldn't have to pay to ship them all the way from Afghanistan. - You could just pick them up at Sangatte or at Folkestone.)

Exactly they're here scrounging benefits whilst our lads do their dirty work.

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Yes we've seen the education that women got, being used for target practise in the middle of Kabul football field for learning to read.

Educate these peoople as to what the date is.


I'm not quite sure the point you are trying to make here. The oppression of women by the Taleban was, and is, appalling. But it is precisely this kind of extremism, the kind that dictates that women should be murdered if they dare to try and get an education, that we need to educate the young people of the region against.


By advocating a secular education, I'm not in any way advocating the oppression of women as well.

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We are on the brink of another war with Iran ,


the 3rd time British soldiers have attempted to occupy Afghanistan,


is there really a end in sight ?


Will the local tribes ever accept soldiers who they call “infidels” to occupy their land?


Foreign soldiers? does that include the Taliban? There will never be peace in Afghanistan or throughout the world for that matter with these type of extremists around.

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