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Will Afghanistan ever see peace while foreign soldiers on its soil ?

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It doesn't take much of a guess which simplified newspapers you refer to, not all papers are for the xenophobes, you might try better quality media as a more informed choice.;)


Would you like to tell me the names of all these Islamic states that are stable democracies rather than ones run by despots?

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Would you like to tell me the names of all these Islamic states that are stable democracies rather than ones run by despots?

The only one that dared to consider will of it's own people, namely Iran has been vilified for doing so with all sorts of lies for the consumption of the gullible. It may be difficult to comprehend amongst the lies perpetrated about that country that it does elect it's government in a fair democratic method. The rest, as JFKvsNixon has kindly pointed out are only dictatorships by all too suppressive but convenient support of the West. Do you see the dichotomy of the situation,? Do You realise in your high fluted tone you are actually moaning about the friendly (to the West) Governments of countries whose own people are being suppressed by help of our money and Western supplied armaments?


So would you like to upgrade the quality of tripe you read as newspapers?

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Would you like to tell me the names of all these Islamic states that are stable democracies rather than ones run by despots?


You clearly don't know what you're talking about. There is no Islamic State in the world today the last one was the Ottoman Empire which fell to Britain in 1924. Since then all there has been are western backed despot puppets. Under the Islamic state the Middle East saw peace and stability. Since the fall of the Islamic state and the creation of Israel again by Britain there has been constant instability in the region.

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We are on the brink of another war with Iran ,


the 3rd time British soldiers have attempted to occupy Afghanistan,


is there really a end in sight ?


Will the local tribes ever accept soldiers who they call “infidels” to occupy their land?


they let arab soldiers train in that toilet, or did:hihi:

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You clearly don't know what you're talking about. There is no Islamic State in the world today the last one was the Ottoman Empire which fell to Britain in 1924. Since then all there has been are western backed despot puppets. Under the Islamic state the Middle East saw peace and stability. Since the fall of the Islamic state and the creation of Israel again by Britain there has been constant instability in the region.


Try Iran for an Islamic state ruled with an iron fist under Islamic law. And it's not backed by the west either

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when there is freedom of speech for all, when religious liberties for every faith are protected,when education is encouraged for women,when honour killings are treated as murder, when homosexuals and other minorities are protected, only then will there be peace for all afhgans in that backward medieval moral sewer of a country

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when there is freedom of speech for all, when religious liberties for every faith are protected,when education is encouraged for women,when honour killings are treated as murder, when homosexuals and other minorities are protected, only then will there be peace for all afhgans in that backward medieval moral sewer of a country


You really do live in cookoo land dont you? Under american/uk rule the afghans now grow enough poppy fields to feed 97% of the worlds supply,i couldnt tell you how much that equates to or how many donkeys it would take to ship it out but what i do know,the americans/uk are not about to turn their back on that money nor will they the money from oil in Iraq.When theres no oil and no drugs then we will leave till then we will stay and i cant see that changing in the near future,can you?

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