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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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youve NEVER uttered one single positive remark about muslims, that means you dont like them...full stop

There you go Mel re the positive side of muslims you ask them questions and they either evade the answer or do a runner Iv asked tabby numerous questions requiring fairly simple answers and he either evades the question or just vanishes from the thread,why ? simple because the answers he would give in telling the truth would compromise his position on the forum as the badly done to whipping boy.

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Can you show me the post where I accused you personally of street dancing ? You are something else my friend it seems you suffer from a surfeit of paranoiac delusions,as for diverting the thread that seems to be your premise ,I don't need to divert any thread simply because I don't fear your replies ,you on the other hand seem to be a walking bundle of fear when it comes to backing your assertions I don't ignore any of your childish points I simply refuse to answer a idiot when he directs idiotic paranoiac fantasies my way.Now when you have finished pontificating please address the points you mention that seem to have no existence albeit only in your sad little mind.

The word by the way is buffoon and the other is attitude, the English class beckons even louder or at least download a spell checker they don't cost owt

Iv just read ruby's post..tell me tabby how fast would you hit the report button if I said you resembled a baboon ...the word racist would be heard all over the forum I believe.....,without clicking on the thread

For someone who aspires to correct others spelling mistakes you do have atrocious standard of the written English. The highlighted bits are in need of correction and I'm not your educator so work it out for yourself baffoon. The English class indeed beckons, I agree.


Whatever you post Bangy I never report for such trivialities, my use of baffoon indeed translated well by Madam Ruby dazzler, you choose whichever meaning you think is fitting of you. I see this as yet another attempt to face up to answering the questions posed to you, what pitiful intransigence?:roll:

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There you go Mel re the positive side of muslims you ask them questions and they either evade the answer or do a runner Iv asked tabby numerous questions requiring fairly simple answers and he either evades the question or just vanishes from the thread,why ? simple because the answers he would give in telling the truth would compromise his position on the forum as the badly done to whipping boy.

Don't overestimate your importance in my life racist boy, I was busy just having a chat to my neighbour and you are way down the list in importance to respond to.


Here is the post where you insinuated myself as being in part like those supporting terrorism

Ah but I dont take one person,I know lots like tab I see them and hear them everyday ,I saw the phones with videos of the beheadings on I saw the dancing re 7/7 while I was in a muslim country you dont think I base my suspicion of the religion solely on one poster do you ?
Any more lies Bangy?
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Spare us the nooty lectures please I am quite familiar with simple British predisposition towards prudishness. This is not my idea to have sepparate halls and you are not someone I am answerable to or need to explain myself to so please take a running jump. Where these ever newer usernames keep popping up from spouting the same old drivel?

the pathetic man sets up a scenario of women gossiping then prompltly attributes his warped thinking onto me as though I had stated that as a fact, what an idiotic assertion?:loopy:


Did you get out of the wrong side of bed today, i was not intending to lecture you though you obviously need some lessons in manners which were you within my vicinity i would give you.

You created all the reasons for the idea of gossip rather than the obvious sex implication, you said about nattering slang for chatting or gossiping, nor did i imply that the seperate halls was your idea.

You simply thought it was a good idea so i built on that with keeping two halls and making them mixed you never said that you thought it better that the halls were segregated, you don't have to explain your preference for segregation to me it was only a question but the least you can do is be civil about it.

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Tell me tabby,getting back to the OP,would you welcome Muslim women into the mosque as equal to the male members of the mosque with the same freedom and privileges.
Is the daughter question next? You know the one about Jewish American soldiers? Pathetic baffoon.


I don't run any sodding Mosque and therefore am not in a position to welcome or unwelcome anybody to any such place. However I welcome the news that changes have been made in some of the Mosques where there has been a demand for change by the ladies concerned. You see Noddy I don't believe in dictating to other people how they should live their lives when I don't know a single thing about them so horses for courses and each situation has a solution on it's own merit. The dictating and demands are yours and your racist friends forte.

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Don't overestimate your importance in my life racist boy, I was busy just having a chat to my neighbour and you are way down the list in importance to respond to.


Here is the post where you insinuated myself as being in part like those supporting terrorism Any more lies Bangy?

You still have not answered the question yet..your insults get boring so I just ignore them now..I'll let others decide on your evading tactics and why you seem none to keen to answer certain questions..lets have a reprise shall we


1.What is your view on the holocaust and the stated numbers

2. Would you be happy for your daughter to wed an American Jew and if not why ?

3.Would you welcome Muslim women into the mosque as equal to the male members of the mosque with the same freedom and privileges.

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Is the daughter question next? You know the one about Jewish American soldiers? Pathetic baffoon.


I don't run any sodding Mosque and therefore am not in a position to welcome or unwelcome anybody to any such place. However I welcome the news that changes have been made in some of the Mosques where there has been a demand for change by the ladies concerned. You see Noddy I don't believe in dictating to other people how they should live their lives when I don't know a single thing about them so horses for courses and each situation has a solution on it's own merit. The dictating and demands are yours and your racist friends forte.

The evading begins ,the insults will get better as we go along..carry on tabby

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Is the daughter question next? You know the one about Jewish American soldiers? Pathetic baffoon.


I don't run any sodding Mosque and therefore am not in a position to welcome or unwelcome anybody to any such place. However I welcome the news that changes have been made in some of the Mosques where there has been a demand for change by the ladies concerned. You see Noddy I don't believe in dictating to other people how they should live their lives when I don't know a single thing about them so horses for courses and each situation has a solution on it's own merit. The dictating and demands are yours and your racist friends forte.

The question using the word welcome has nothing to do with running a mosque..your understanding of the English language does seem to be very frail.

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