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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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heres another positive islamic story


""This initiative also helps British Muslims reclaim the Prophet Mohamed as a time-honoured guide for peace, compassion and social justice from those who seek to twist his teachings.""


Are you a muslim meltbell? you always jump in defence of them, never once seen a bad comment.

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Do you really have any contact with any Muslim women at all Suffragette, as it seems you isolate yourself completely and only guess at what they must be thinking and what their reasons must be etc.

Nothing changes in any society of it's own accord and almost certainly never because of snidy comments from those who are perceived as the enemy, but changes are brought about from within by people who's life is affected.


The idea that women are somehow some sort of prisoners without a voice is ludicrous, they are Mothers Sisters and Daughters of the men who are accused of subjugating them. Culture may have some differences but the women command far more respect in Islamic society than is given credit for by many.


I'm sure they do as long as they don't get too uppity and want total equality. :suspect:

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Did you get out of the wrong side of bed today, i was not intending to lecture you though you obviously need some lessons in manners which were you within my vicinity i would give you.

Indeed excellent manners to threaten on an Internet forum, well done you;) There is nothing much you can teach me I can assure you.


You created all the reasons for the idea of gossip rather than the obvious sex implication, you said about nattering slang for chatting or gossiping,........

My post said this
the discussion groups are devoid of sexual attraction or any other deviation from calmly offering prayer, quiet contemplation and attempt at piety. That is better achieved by separate halls than everybody together having a natter.

Now I don't see any mention of gossiping or anything to that effect, but a good natter could be between the sexes resulting in defeating the aim of the place to calmly offering prayer, quiet contemplation and attempt at piety, so why are you making things up?




nor did i imply that the seperate halls was your idea.

You simply thought it was a good idea so i built on that with keeping two halls and making them mixed you never said that you thought it better that the halls were segregated, you don't have to explain your preference for segregation to me it was only a question but the least you can do is be civil about it.

This is what you said and what I responded to

Why should it be better achieved this way i can only assume that you and your religion believe women are likely to just gossip which would distract you from your male contemplations.
There was no mention of just male contemplation so why are you making things up and backtracking on others? The prayer and contemplation is by all and the separation makes the whole atmosphere devoid of all sexual attraction etc.:roll:


Indeed that sort of negative attribution is why I felt you were making things up that I had not said nor insinuated and it turns out you were:roll:

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Are you a muslim meltbell? you always jump in defence of them, never once seen a bad comment.


So he has to be a Muslim to stick up for quote "them" Loving your one way logic (NOT)

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I'm sure they do as long as they don't get too uppity and want total equality. :suspect:

Are you now? Well there is a surprise did you read about that in an Israeli newspaper or a Muslim one, perhaps you made it up as usual.;)
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Are you now? Well there is a surprise did you read about that in an Israeli newspaper or a Muslim one, perhaps you made it up as usual.;)


So you're saying that Muslim women have total equality with their male counterparts then ?

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Indeed excellent manners to threaten on an Internet forum, well done you;) There is nothing much you can teach me I can assure you.

I would simply have called you out had you refused you would be proved to be a coward and unworthy of note had you accepted you would have the opportunity to set me right, another age old british custom!.

Oh and there is plenty i could teach you i can assure you!.


My post said this

Now I don't see any mention of gossiping or anything to that effect, but a good natter could be between the sexes resulting in defeating the aim of the place to calmly offering prayer, quiet contemplation and attempt at piety, so why are you making things up?


Your knowledge of the english language could do with a brush up then, i left the examles in the other post so that you would not be at a loss as to where i got the implication but here it is for the cheap seats, Natter/Gossip are peas in a pod they are the same thing under a different spelling and are generally applied to women.


This is what you said and what I responded to

There was no mention of just male contemplation so why are you making things up and backtracking on others? The prayer and contemplation is by all and the separation makes the whole atmosphere devoid of all sexual attraction etc.:roll:


I had no need to make anything up currently you worship seperatley therefore as i described your male contemplation it is seperate from female at least it is usually for all i know you are a transexual.

Surely as with a christian church you are able to keep your sexual urges under control and worship together in a perfectly modest way.


Indeed that sort of negative attribution is why I felt you were making things up that I had not said nor insinuated and it turns out you were:roll:


I simply made the connection between women and the word natter/gossip i made nothing up that was not discenable from your original post.


And to set the record straight if my original post was in any way insulting to you by insinuation or otherwise i apologise it was not my intention, i was simply intending to create a question from which to recieve an answer.

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That's all very well, as long as you don't insist we marry our cousins? :confused:


Oh right, but I've heard you people have it off with you Daugters, keep them locked up in cellars for years and have lots of kids with them. I have read about it, for when I'm required to explain as though somhow I'm responsible for everything Muslim, care to explain why you people do that to your own Daugters? :gag:

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Oh right, but I've heard you people have it off with you Daugters, keep them locked up in cellars for years and have lots of kids with them. I have read about it, for when I'm required to explain as though somhow I'm responsible for everything Muslim, care to explain why you people do that to your own Daugters? :gag:


Oops, have I touched a nerve there? :hihi:

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