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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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Who were the multiple identities far as i can see it's been mostly you arguing with noddy and Suffragette1 with a few other interjections by me and others.

I did see another thread about multiple identities but i didn't have time to look at it, might as well look now!.

So far as i can see tab you are happy with the status quo regarding the segregation but would be happy to see changes as long as they came from within rather than influenced from without.

Is that right?.

I am happy with what people decide for themselves and not happy with subversion to force change and dictate to Muslims how they should live and what rules they should and shouldn't abide by. What really riles me is that whatever I say is then attached a meaning to and a reason made up to suite their own agenda as to why I am saying such and such.:rant: For the Islam haters only a few things are important to mention and everything seems to hinge on virgins and sex and brainwashing, The brainwashed morons repeat word for word what has been told them and yet accuse Muslims of brainwashing. They try and change our religion and dictate to us how we must live, yet at the same time complain of Muslims trying to change them and their laws.:loopy:


As for identities maybe you are not familiar with how many id's we have seen Noddy use, do you think he has been here from the date shown by his name? :nono::nono:No sir he has been here pedaling the same rubbish a lot longer. That is just one example.;)

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Do you have your hand up his shirt working his mouth now?


Oh, yeah, I forgot, him and several other apologists just like him! :hihi:

A troll after all mojo, the low life proves his credentials after pretending to be sincere. :roll: As part of a clique tried to get the better of us in the argument and when nothing left in their tiny arsenal revert back to being rude and nasty self, paathetic!:gag:


The cat was right.

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I am happy with what people decide for themselves and not happy with subversion to force change and dictate to Muslims how they should live and what rules they should and shouldn't abide by. What really riles me is that whatever I say is then attached a meaning to and a reason made up to suite their own agenda as to why I am saying such and such.:rant: For the Islam haters only a few things are important to mention and everything seems to hinge on virgins and sex and brainwashing, The brainwashed morons repeat word for word what has been told them and yet accuse Muslims of brainwashing. They try and change our religion and dictate to us how we must live, yet at the same time complain of Muslims trying to change them and their laws.:loopy:


As for identities maybe you are not familiar with how many id's we have seen Noddy use, do you think he has been here from the date shown by his name? :nono::nono:No sir he has been here pedaling the same rubbish a lot longer. That is just one example.;)


GOOD POST:thumbsup:

Thanks for this post it is quite succinct and to the point.

I have only a couple of queries first is that surely Islam has to change to some degree in this country to fit in with our already predominant culture, not globally obviously.

And secondly the state applies the concrete rules to live by those are not up for argument for the most part, but personally everyone must choose their own code to live by and i think that is sacrosanct.


I must have missed the multiple identity thread i can't seem to find it! oh well i'll learn eventually i expect.:(

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GOOD POST:thumbsup:

Thanks for this post it is quite succinct and to the point.

I have only a couple of queries first is that surely Islam has to change to some degree in this country to fit in with our already predominant culture, not globally obviously.

And secondly the state applies the concrete rules to live by those are not up for argument for the most part, but personally everyone must choose their own code to live by and i think that is sacrosanct.


I must have missed the multiple identity thread i can't seem to find it! oh well i'll learn eventually i expect.:(

The fact that hundreds of thousands of Muslims live side by side with people of other faiths and backgrounds is a testimony to Islam not being the problem or needing to fit in. Most of hostility is from people who are themselves isolated and threatened by the prospect of mixing with Muslims, yet use the excuse that some how that Muslims are the problem. I would use the word 'you' as a generic term to describe the haters, so If you don't like me that is not my problem but yours, whatever hoops I jump through for you, you will simply come up with ever more demands for me to meet. Why should I have to change anything if I am not breaking the law of the land simply because you don't like my colour?


Using that example I don't think Muslims need to change to fit in providing the freedoms much trumpeted as a core value of this country are actually practiced for Muslims also.


The basic values of Christianity and Islam are the same but much differs because of various cultures within Muslims from around the world. The problem comes about when Islam haters would pick up the worst examples from far flung corners of the world and attribute those examples to all Muslims living everywhere as though this is how all Muslims behave. Picking examples of Bible bashers of America and blaming the Sheffield Christians for faults of the Americans would not be fair but attributing Taliban values to Muslims in Fir Vale shamelessly by the hater contingent is common place on SF.

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Another good post though i don't see why colour should come into a debate about religion even if that religion is predominantly one colour or another i would class that as a separate debate though i know some wouldn't.

I'll stop taking this debate off topic now but thank you for your replies.

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A troll after all mojo, the low life proves his credentials after pretending to be sincere. :roll: As part of a clique tried to get the better of us in the argument and when nothing left in their tiny arsenal revert back to being rude and nasty self, paathetic!:gag:


The cat was right.


Not at all, you were clearly putting words into the mouths of your supporters. That much was obvious. I simply pointed it out, albeit in a sarcastic manner.


I asked you a serious question earlier, but received nothing but the same old Muslim party line waffle in reply.


Isn't it odd how anyone who disagrees with you is classed as a troll?

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A troll after all mojo, the low life proves his credentials after pretending to be sincere. :roll: As part of a clique tried to get the better of us in the argument and when nothing left in their tiny arsenal revert back to being rude and nasty self, paathetic!:gag:


The cat was right.


Flaming Nora and you have the gall to accuse others of being paranoid !

If the cap fits................. and all that :rolleyes:

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Not at all, you were clearly putting words into the mouths of your supporters. That much was obvious. I simply pointed it out, albeit in a sarcastic manner.


I asked you a serious question earlier, but received nothing but the same old Muslim party line waffle in reply.


Isn't it odd how anyone who disagrees with you is classed as a troll?


Sometimes he accuses them of being racist and paranoid though. :suspect:

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