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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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Suffy, don't waste any more of your time. The only Muslims that post on here are the equivalent of 'political activists', imo. They're here to explain away anything that people might feel uneasy about and try to achieve acceptance of it.


I've become more and more convinced that the id 'tab1' is a multiple persona ID, due to the several different posting styles it adopts. And the main style is so different from that of the original tab1 that it can't realistically be the same person.


I now only believe in people I've actually seen in real life. The rest could be anything or anyone. I know it's hard to keep your fingers still when you see something that gets your goat, but don't feed the trolls. It's just giving them a wider audience than they deserve.


I'm a muslim poster and I'm not in any way a political activist.

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your unbelievable.... how you get that result from my post is just out of this world or the act of a moron
Quite simple really you reacted to my post as though it was addressing you when I didn't mention Noddy but your other ID, so how do you explain that if not in way of a slip up admission?


For Bangy I am the embodiment of a hard line fanatic. :lol:


Don't flatter yourself ,your just a brainwashed paranoiac fantasist
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I'm a muslim poster and I'm not in any way a political activist.
I didn't actually mean that anyone was a political activist, maf. I was implying that some of you are working for Muslimism in the same way that activists 'work' for political parties to get the message out. And that you're bigoted against non Muslims in a way that would be deemed racist if you were that way about black people.


I may be wrong, of course. As I have never met any of you, it could be that I've misread some of the comments that have been made over the years.

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I'm sure you agree though?


I quite like the tab1 personas and 'he' makes me laugh with some of the things 'he' comes out with but he's very prejudiced against non-Muslims. If he said the same things about black people as he does about 'English' people, he'd be deemed a racist. But as it's about religion/culture he gets away with it, on semantics alone.


It's not just tab1, a few other people could be described similarly. But at least we get to see the mindset, it's out in the open and we can attempt a debate. We get answers of a sort, even if they aren't always to the questions posed.


I do get sick of the parrot answer of anyone who doesn't agree must be a racist, and the perennial skin colour thing, as though the only thing that defines a Muslim is skin colour.

I am surprised you have given me so much consideration Madam. The suggestion that my ID is a shared ID is disappointing to say the least after years of communication on here you still doubt me I am truly hurt now:cry:


When I joined there was no Muslim representation on here apart from Abdul from fir vale, and I was reluctant to join in till one day I decided to reply to a post from Firecracker who was doing his usual Muslim bad dramatics that Noddy does these days. The insolent reaction I got made my blood boil. He said something about another raising his head above the parapet and he was behaving like a spoilt brat without anybody challenging him and I decided to stand up to him and his overtly racist behaviour.

That was when you made an entrance on the scene by posts suggesting that I as a Muslim should not be insulting the white people and suggesting I should be thankful for being allowed to live here etc. That was a red rag to a bull and if you recall we had some encounters purely on basis of what was said on here. Glamrock, Royjames came on the scene and went TheRat joined in, then disappeared and another and TheBanginman came on the scene then a whole list of usernames like Getitdone, 1oftheseDays, and Tshomb, usermnames changed but the 5hite they spouted was the same. Many others suggested that these guys were the one and the same person as they also spouted the same rubbish on other forums and often used the same text to start off topics. By reading back and examining their writing styles and their spelling mistakes added with their mis-use of punctuations it was quite easy to work out who had morphed into whom.

No matter what the lanky idiot from Rotherham calls himself he can't control what he says and gives the game away every-time.

From that little history of my contact with SF you may work out I am no multiple ID but the one and only thank you very much Madam.;)

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I am surprised you have given me so much consideration Madam. The suggestion that my ID is a shared ID is disappointing to say the least after years of communication on here you still doubt me I am truly hurt now:cry:


When I joined there was no Muslim representation on here apart from Abdul from fir vale, and I was reluctant to join in till one day I decided to reply to a post from Firecracker who was doing his usual Muslim bad dramatics that Noddy does these days. The insolent reaction I got made my blood boil. He said something about another raising his head above the parapet and he was behaving like a spoilt brat without anybody challenging him and I decided to stand up to him and his overtly racist behaviour.

That was when you made an entrance on the scene by posts suggesting that I as a Muslim should not be insulting the white people and suggesting I should be thankful for being allowed to live here etc. That was a red rag to a bull and if you recall we had some encounters purely on basis of what was said on here. Glamrock, Royjames came on the scene and went TheRat joined in, then disappeared and another and TheBanginman came on the scene then a whole list of usernames like Getitdone, 1oftheseDays, and Tshomb, usermnames changed but the 5hite they spouted was the same. Many others suggested that these guys were the one and the same person as they also spouted the same rubbish on other forums and often used the same text to start off topics. By reading back and examining their writing styles and their spelling mistakes added with their mis-use of punctuations it was quite easy to work out who had morphed into whom.

No matter what the lanky idiot from Rotherham calls himself he can't control what he says and gives the game away every-time.

From that little history of my contact with SF you may work out I am no multiple ID but the one and only thank you very much Madam.;)


But you have moved into first place in the 5hite posting league now.


Long live the king.

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You wont get a straight answer, it seems the apologists have all got their heads together to have the thread closed by using false accusations..a normal ploy on their part when they struggle for answers.I will give them time to answer and desist from posting on here for a while .doubtless they will still try have it closed though...apologies Suffragette


What do you exactly want? Your explanation written in stone? Some of the users have tried to answer your Q's) People like yourself have your minds made up on certain issues yet still probe? When it is clear you are not prepared to go half way in understanding.


If anyone is trying to get the threads closed it is people like yourself & the wannabes who skirt around what you are actually mean. It is so oldskool I would think it would be beyond that time in your life that seen as though half you are approaching that age to get your bus pass. Point scoring is not an atrractive trait when you are failing misreably with your vendetta.

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But you have moved into first place in the 5hite posting league now.


Long live the king.

That coming from you I take as job done. Your opinion I usually wipe off the shoe on some grass before washing the shoes, so thanks for living up to your image that I have of you chuff, nice one.
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I am surprised you have given me so much consideration Madam. The suggestion that my ID is a shared ID is disappointing to say the least after years of communication on here you still doubt me I am truly hurt now:cry: I give a lot of thought to what goes on in these threads. As I said with experience, I now doubt anyone that has no evidence for their existence in the real world.


That was when you made an entrance on the scene by posts suggesting that I as a Muslim should not be insulting the white people and suggesting I should be thankful for being allowed to live here etc. That was a red rag to a bull and if you recall we had some encounters purely on basis of what was said on here. I'm open mouthed now! :o I said what? Can you point me to any threads where I said any such thing? That sounds so unlike me, I can scarcely believe it. I doubt you'd find anyone to verify that I'd even think such a thing, let alone actually articulate it. I know that in the early days both you and Bazooka made some very sexist and racist comments about 'English' people and the way we live. I do remember saying that while ever you thought that way, whatever the circumstances of your birth were, you may be British but you'd never be English. Which is only the truth because Bazooka especially was totally vile and made some really nasty remarks.

Royjames came on the scene and went Roy James was here before I arrived and I remember having many skirmishes with him, some of which I was banned for insulting him

From that little history of my contact with SF you may work out I am no multiple ID but the one and only thank you very much Madam.;)


The reason I doubted you are the original tab1 is that in the early days your spelling, grammar and general writing style were very difference from what they are today. Even now, some days you post like a learned gentleman and other times not so like a learned gentleman. What with the implications that people are in contact behind the scenes and the continual suppositions about multiple IDs you can surely see why people might be :suspect:?


You may be shocked to learn than I sometimes think you're a composite, but I'm even more shocked that you've said what you have about me. I know which is worst. :mad:

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