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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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I'm sure you agree though?


I quite like the tab1 personas and 'he' makes me laugh with some of the things 'he' comes out with but he's very prejudiced against non-Muslims. If he said the same things about black people as he does about 'English' people, he'd be deemed a racist. But as it's about religion/culture he gets away with it, on semantics alone.


It's not just tab1, a few other people could be described similarly. But at least we get to see the mindset, it's out in the open and we can attempt a debate. We get answers of a sort, even if they aren't always to the questions posed.


I do get sick of the parrot answer of anyone who doesn't agree must be a racist, and the perennial skin colour thing, as though the only thing that defines a Muslim is skin colour.


That maybe true on some parts but that is utter BS with certain users who used to post on the other site? What was it called, yer know, thingymabob, yer know thingy...Jeez I have forgot what it was called now? The one that was so good it got shut down.


Anyways half the cretins that posted on there that are now are posting on this thread were full of racism & hatred that anything that breathed race or religion that they did not agree with yet when posting on here (:help:) skirt around their true meaing & probe on the unnesseary when it is clear what their true motivation is.

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I can't remember what they were now, but I did leave a couple of other Sheffield based sites because of the sexism and homophobia and other isms that were prevalent.


I'm obsessed with justice and fairness and hate pettiness to the extreme, but even I'm getting fed up with these threads. The spite, vitriol and bitterness that come from both sides of the debate are very wearing, the wilful misunderstanding of what's being articulated. Quite frankly I'm sick of it all, and I think it gives a very negative impression of Sheffield Forum.


I doubt very much that I shall be posting on this type of thread ever again, as the concept of reasonable compromise just seems to be a concept too far for some.

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The reason I doubted you are the original tab1 is that in the early days your spelling, grammar and general writing style were very difference from what they are today. Even now, some days you post like a learned gentleman and other times not so like a learned gentleman. What with the implications that people are in contact behind the scenes and the continual suppositions about multiple IDs you can surely see why people might be :suspect:?


You may be shocked to learn than I sometimes think you're a composite, but I'm even more shocked that you've said what you have about me. I know which is worst. :mad:

I was trying to point out as the same individual who you had altercations with and the misunderstandings that lead to them.


There is no easier way to remind you that I also was at times frustrated at being labeled a racist for simply objecting to racism. Would you say that classing me as a very prejudiced person is any better Madam? That was hurtful for someone who has always argued against racism and having suffered racism personally I would never consciously do the same to others. The prejudice you see is indeed there but for the racists who spread hate and on here they are plentiful in the white form so I'm afraid it is inevitable that I would be their target and they mine. So I suppose I would be arguing against a white guy but importantly not because I don't like the white people but the particular white guy happens to be in my view a trouble maker for all of us.


As for the spelling and change in style that is as any normal person whatever the mood is. The angrier I get the worse the spelling is and then the eye finger co-ordination goes when I may intend to press one key and end up pressing another, resulting in gobbledygook that no one understands.;)


Right I think I should stop before any nose bleeds eh?

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I'm sorry but it's too late for explanations now. You made a serious allegation about something I'm supposed to have said which I can't accept I said anything like it ever. It's no laughing matter and if anyone ought to be saying it's hurtful, that person would be me, not you.


You only have to look at my postings just on this one thread to see that I'm always even handed and fair, if I don't agree with something I say so, straight out. I don't have to pussyfoot around because I've always been totally straight about my opinions.


I'm not racist in any way whatsoever, skin colour makes no impact on me and never has. I object to religions purely on the way they impact on people's lives and the amount of sexism and homophobia they espouse. The two worst culprits being Islam and Judaism, imo. They're not just religions, they're basically the same in imposing a whole way of life, not just for Sundays, and that's when it goes beyond a joke.


Anyway, I'm done now, as I said above. I'm angry and also very disappointed. :(

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All the tension between RubyD & Tab1 anyone else thinks they need to get a room together to let their fustration attack each other if you know what I mean ;)




Are married to each other & post from different rooms? If not they should be :)


Kiss & make up...:hihi:


I am teasing. I like the banter between you two it is good at times you both have an indirect respect for each other but other times act like dare. I say it..a married couple. Tab, flammingjimmy could be your son on the forum.

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I'm sorry but it's too late for explanations now. You made a serious allegation about something I'm supposed to have said which I can't accept I said anything like it ever. It's no laughing matter and if anyone ought to be saying it's hurtful, that person would be me, not you.


Actions speak louder than words Madam but these words do have something to say but I didn't demand explanations of you but answered your allegation that I am very much alone and the very same one that you accused in the past AND EVEN TODAY of being a racist.


I quite like the tab1 personas and 'he' makes me laugh with some of the things 'he' comes out with but he's very prejudiced against non-Muslims. If he said the same things about black people as he does about 'English' people, he'd be deemed a racist. But as it's about religion/culture he gets away with it, on semantics alone......................

These are serious accusations indeed Madam. After such accusations it seems a bit rich to play angry and disappointed at being reminded of the past, which I did in order to prove my innocence.
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All the tension between RubyD & Tab1 anyone else thinks they need to get a room together to let their fustration attack each other if you know what I mean ;)




Are married to each other & post from different rooms? If not they should be :)


Kiss & make up...:hihi:


I am teasing. I like the banter between you two it is good at times you both have an indirect respect for each other but other times act like dare. I say it..a married couple. Tab, flammingjimmy could be your son on the forum.



Indeed apart from the racist troll or trolls I have respect for all forum users including Madam Rubydazzler and yourself and would respond with polite manner to all irrespective of gender, religion or age or colour for that matter. There are a few who get riled at anything I say because they feel like settling an old score but generally most of SF members are amenable people.

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