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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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We? why would the Royal 'we' need to tell anything? Can't you post on your own chuff do you have to have someone holding your hand?


As usual you jumped to your own false conclusion.

The "we" was not the royal "we" but was rather forwarded as the patronizing "we"

You know, the one used towards persons of questionable intellect. :rolleyes:

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I have to agree with tab1, I thought the same when I saw your reply. :suspect:

Not really ,nothing mysterious about it ,Iv had his fantasies for the past few weeks and Iv constantly told him,and others I may add,to check dates.it seems beyond him,and the others,unlike him I'm smart enough to know what he's getting at so I just pander to his fantasises,you must admit he's not the most amenable of posters and I find it easier to just let him waffle sometimes.Iv noticed that when anyone invariably gets the better of him he resorts to the "multiple personality" accusations as a matter of form simply I believe to get the thread closed and the user banned,now that's not cricket and if he where to be correct it seems as though SF's membership numbers must be adjusted downwards considerably..sadly judging by posts emanating from other ,shall we say not to bright posters ,mud seems to stick and they respond parrot fashion,tab1 will be in his element when that happens I doubt that even he would ever believe he could mould fools like that so easily,

Him and his cohorts should realise that there is more than one person who actually questions about his religion and face up to that without using the "multiple person" fantasy to excuse the fact.

I am sorry my comment re taxi drivers upset you but it was humour based on the fact that the taxis get shared on a shift basis and I was just transferring that fact to a humorous comment on a shift share computer station.

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most people do..............but still insist on demonising all


The world is full of prejudice meltbell.


Last night after the England match i went to fuel my car up, 2 blokes in England tops were making fun of the Pakistani cashier.


The following remarks ''ohh bloody hell'' ''bud bud bud''


They looked at me to see if i was laughing along with their stupid school boy comments, i just walked on and didn't feed the trolls.

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The amount of filibustering on this thread and others of its ilk is a complete joke.:roll: It beggars belief that people cannot defend their stance without resorting to personal insults and cries of 'troll' and 'racist' unless of course their intention is to get other users banned when they retort in kind and/or get these threads locked and deleted.


It is bullying, pure and simple. Very poor show and bad form indeed, trying to intimidate people into silence.

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On the contrary I posted a factual piece of information that another poster had already given reasons for his defense of Muslims which you came out with what I regard as insulting, end of respect!:rant:


You specifically asked for my views on the South African farmers if you recall. You then ignored my reply and defaulted into a stock answer about why "everyone" opposes the war against terror.

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You specifically asked for my views on the South African farmers if you recall. You then ignored my reply and defaulted into a stock answer about why "everyone" opposes the war against terror.
You replied that you didn't particularly care about the SA white farmers, so it wasn't a question for me to answer and was off topic anyway so I said 'leaving SA aside......' Your post however was answered in post#205. It was your sniping at my reasonable statement that Mel had answered the question of why he supports Muslims many a time on here that was the turning point and nothing that I had ignored.
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The world is full of prejudice meltbell.


Last night after the England match i went to fuel my car up, 2 blokes in England tops were making fun of the Pakistani cashier.


The following remarks ''ohh bloody hell'' ''bud bud bud''


They looked at me to see if i was laughing along with their stupid school boy comments, i just walked on and didn't feed the trolls.

That describes the mentality of people like Noddy and friends who hunt in packs with exactly same standard of school yard behaviour and the reason I become a figure of discussion for challenging them. Just look at the taxi remark of Noddy's a few posts back as an example, it's not what's said but the reason for saying it.
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That describes the mentality of [people like Noddy and friends who hunt in packs with exactly same standard of school yard behaviour and the reason I become a figure of discussion for challenging them. Just look at the taxi remark of Noddy's a few posts back as an example, it's not what's said but the reason for saying it.
the same could be said about you and your (friends) on here too :hihi:
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You replied that you didn't particularly care about the SA white farmers, so it wasn't a question for me to answer and was off topic anyway so I said 'leaving SA aside......' Your post however was answered in post#205. It was your sniping at my reasonable statement that Mel had answered the question of why he supports Muslims many a time on here that was the turning point and nothing that I had ignored.


I suspect you were hoping I would support the white South Africans farmers and further your "racist" argument (which I clearly don't). Would that be fair to say?

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