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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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the same could be said about you and your (friends) on here too :hihi:
Indeed it could for stnding up to them and returning to them like for like with the only difference being I don't instigate trouble merely reply to and challenge their racist agenda.
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I suspect you were hoping I would support the white South Africans farmers and further your "racist" argument (which I clearly don't). Would that be fair to say?
Oh Alright, so here is the post in which I said that read it again, it was in response to this question from you
Originally Posted by mojoworking

I see, so let me ask you a serious question.


Do you feel a common bond with all Muslims the world over, regardless of nationality?


And if so, why?

On a personal basis, no not particularly, but when those asking the questions treat you as a single entity then it gets emotive. The bond is assumed by the Islamophobic Westerners hell bent on creating an image that best fits their own imagined scenario.



Now that is a far cry from defending Islam when question such as you raised that all Muslims behave in this or that manner. My gripe has always been that cultural aspects are being confused with religion by those with a subversive agenda. No you can't treat all Muslims as a single entity any more than you can the Christians, therefore my bonding with other Muslims is no more than your bonding with people you feel you have something in common with but don't know personally. I give you example of the thread about white farmers in South Africa and Zimbabwe, do you feel a bonding with those farmers, if so why?

Just read the section before the bold words, does it imply that you would have sympathy with white farmers, it was designed to illustrate that I have no more bonding with those people on other side of the world than you do with the white farmers of SA. You still managed to understand the opposite of that, so is there any more I can do that you will not twist to argue against?:suspect:
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Not really ,nothing mysterious about it ,Iv had his fantasies for the past few weeks and Iv constantly told him,and others I may add,to check dates.it seems beyond him,and the others,unlike him I'm smart enough to know what he's getting at so I just pander to his fantasises,you must admit he's not the most amenable of posters and I find it easier to just let him waffle sometimes.Iv noticed that when anyone invariably gets the better of him he resorts to the "multiple personality" accusations as a matter of form simply I believe to get the thread closed and the user banned,now that's not cricket and if he where to be correct it seems as though SF's membership numbers must be adjusted downwards considerably..sadly judging by posts emanating from other ,shall we say not to bright posters ,mud seems to stick and they respond parrot fashion,tab1 will be in his element when that happens I doubt that even he would ever believe he could mould fools like that so easily,

Him and his cohorts should realise that there is more than one person who actually questions about his religion and face up to that without using the "multiple person" fantasy to excuse the fact.

I am sorry my comment re taxi drivers upset you but it was humour based on the fact that the taxis get shared on a shift basis and I was just transferring that fact to a humorous comment on a shift share computer station.

Backtracking Bangy? I love to see your damage limitation excercise.:hihi:

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I actually did not that is why I asked.


I don't think you are racist or a troll perhaps trying to be funny in places but neither of the other two.


What was your question or which page was it on it?

You are right sister he is not as bad as the real racists but just a windup merchant. Sometimes very annoying:rant:........:D
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That describes the mentality of people like Noddy and friends who hunt in packs with exactly same standard of school yard behaviour and the reason I become a figure of discussion for challenging them. Just look at the taxi remark of Noddy's a few posts back as an example, it's not what's said but the reason for saying it.

Hunt in packs :hihi:Man you really are paranoid,I suppose i carry a club around and beat Pakistanis to death with it,you have me down as a vicious black hating Pakistani beating thug ,yet you don't know me from Adam and you can glean all this simply from my refusal to accept the Muslim religion as a peaceful fair alternative probably due to the fact that possibly on any given day you read about murders,bombings etc committed by followers of the religion.I dont really care whether your Black,White Yellow etc or Pakistani,English,Scottish or even an Eskimo if you are muslim you are folowing ,either knowingly or unknowingly a disturbed religion,that is my opinion until you or anybody can offer proof,and lots of it, to the opposite

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Hunt in packs :hihi:Man you really are paranoid,I suppose i carry a club around and beat Pakistanis to death with it,you have me down as a vicious black hating Pakistani beating thug ,yet you don't know me from Adam and you can glean all this simply from my refusal to accept the Muslim religion as a peaceful fair alternative probably due to the fact that possibly on any given day you read about murders,bombings etc committed by followers of the religion.I dont really care whether your Black,White Yellow etc or Pakistani,English,Scottish or even an Eskimo if you are muslim you are folowing ,either knowingly or unknowingly a disturbed religion,that is my opinion until you or anybody can offer proof,and lots of it, to the opposite

Oh Hollywood eat your eart out:hihi: Stop being a drama queen Bangy none of that was suggested by me only you making it up to once again garner sympathy. Your behaviour on here has been childish School yard stuff that has lowered the standard of discusson to bickering and na na na nAA na.:roll: Whichever username you post under

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Oh Hollywood eat your eart out:hihi: Stop being a drama queen Bangy none of that was suggested by me only you making it up to once again garner sympathy. Your behaviour on here has been childish School yard stuff that has lowered the standard of discusson to bickering and na na na nAA na.:roll: Whichever username you post under

Why should I garner sympathy ? you already are held in very low esteem on here because of your racism and hatred so in that respect I don't need it,I see you still haven't conquered the idea of calendars yet :thumbsup:never mind I don't mind playing with the afflicted ,carry on I don't really mind what name you chose to call me it all adds to your delusional paranoiac affliction I suppose.I see your plan though while your carrying your imaginative moral banner you are deliberately avoiding the many questions asked of you by myself and others either because of your religious ideas,i.e. you dare not answer for fear of compromising your brainwashed principles, or maybe its simply because you don't understand most of them i.e. you fail to understand the hypothetical aspects of questions and take it all personally

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Why should I garner sympathy ? you already are held in very low esteem on here because of your racism and hatred so in that respect I don't need it,I see you still haven't conquered the idea of calendars yet never mind I don't mind playing with the afflicted ,carry on I don't really mind what name you chose to call me it all adds to your delusional paranoiac affliction I suppose.I see your plan though while your carrying your imaginative moral banner you are deliberately avoiding the many questions asked of you by myself and others either because of your religious ideas,i.e. you dare not answer for fear of compromising your brainwashed principles, or maybe its simply because you don't understand most of them i.e. you fail to understand the hypothetical aspects of questions and take it all personally


I see and you have a survey ongoing all the time do you to judge support? I don't play to the gallery as you do Bangy and therefore have no need to be overly concerned with people agreeing or disagreeing with me. If they disagree then they are free to say so and I'm sure don't need you to speak on their behalf, delusion is yours Bangy.




I have answered you questions and proven your lies but you don't go back to address the answers given and seems prefer to troll onto other angles of attack. You can carry on with your damage limitation of being caught out trolling under multiple usernames.;)

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