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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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Why should I garner sympathy ? you already are held in very low esteem on here because of your racism and hatred so in that respect I don't need it,I see you still haven't conquered the idea of calendars yet :thumbsup:never mind I don't mind playing with the afflicted ,carry on I don't really mind what name you chose to call me it all adds to your delusional paranoiac affliction I suppose.I see your plan though while your carrying your imaginative moral banner you are deliberately avoiding the many questions asked of you by myself and others either because of your religious ideas,i.e. you dare not answer for fear of compromising your brainwashed principles, or maybe its simply because you don't understand most of them i.e. you fail to understand the hypothetical aspects of questions and take it all personally
you ike playing with yourself my friend ?:o No need to tell everybody. How many names do you have friend ,you don't mind being called ?
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I see and you have a survey ongoing all the time do you to judge support? I don't play to the gallery as you do Bangy and therefore have no need to be overly concerned with people agreeing or disagreeing with me. If they disagree then they are free to say so and I'm sure don't need you to speak on their behalf, delusion is yours Bangy.




I have answered you questions and proven your lies but you don't go back to address the answers given and seems prefer to troll onto other angles of attack. You can carry on with your damage limitation of being caught out trolling under multiple usernames.;)

You have answered no questions and proven nothing all you seem to do is to revert to name calling when ,as usual,you struggle to answer questions posed to you,as for the bangy bit I say again can you not understand the English/Gregorian calendar i'll say to you what I said to Wednesday..the report button is that way"v" use it and make yourself an even bigger ignorant fool.in other words ..put up or shut up..even someone of your limited intelligence must at least understand that..I know you would love to see me banned simply because I tell the truth and am not as gullible as others on here but at least be a little more adventurous and novel in your continuous boring accusations...which tabby am I talking to by the way ? The doorman one, the taxi driver,or A.N Other

Damage limitation ? I don't think so,do you honestly not think the admin has not investigated your delusions and found them wanting,you are insulting in your appreciation of the admin if you think that.

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This comment says alot about your way of thinking then doesn't it.

And your way of thinking ?I haven't attacked any race only a religion.

A religion may I say founded by a admitted paedophile who if he were alive in this country today would now be serving time and have a prominent place on the sex offender list.

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This comment says alot about your way of thinking then doesn't it.


Because you're a muslim, you think you can come onto this board and attack people who dont agree with u?



Do i have muslim friends? yep good and bad ones.

Do i hate muslims? why would i?


Above says alot about me doesnt it Mafya? Stop coming on here crying about being a hard done by muslim boy:roll:

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And your way of thinking ?I haven't attacked any race only a religion.

A religion may I say founded by a admitted paedophile who if he were alive in this country today would now be serving time and have a prominent place on the sex offender list.

And there you have Bangy in all his element:hihi: A troll who has had explanation afetr explanation but sticks to the party line as though to discuss and understand something would be against his religion. Good one:hihi:


Yes Bangy you made an accusation that suicide bombers have been attacking barracks here in Britain, I asked for proof, so where was that? Or is this another one of making a claim without backing it up and moving on to the next sound-bite?

What are you banging on about Bangy, how many suicide bombers have you seen breaking into barracks here in Britain?

My point was obviously lost on you in the example that the same action by two people would bring about different headlines, whites become the protesters and the non whites regarded as terrorists. So which barracks have been blown up here that you are scare-mongering or are you just that age that you crap your pants over nothing?

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