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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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yeah Ok tabby change the record its getting boring now,every time you come back with an answer like that more people are able to understand what sort of outright liar you really are.you were issued a challenge a few posts back ..put up or shut up..obviously you are unable to put up so just do everyone a favour like a good little boy...shut up
Looks like old Bangy is clean out of answers so resorting to Hollywood mode again.:roll:


Why did you ask of my wife's freedoms if not to imply some sort of a difference and when the answer is not one you expected you run for the hills? There is no lie in you being a racist troll and history bears this out Noddy keep trying to deny it if you wish.:mad:

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The whole point of the thread seems according to the OP that it is a positive that Muslim women are being given more access to the Mosques than before, indeed one of the Mosques is near Fir Vale and one that many on here campaigned vigorously against not so long ago.
so everyone else in this country can be accused of being sexist but the muslims who run the mosques cant ? the churches are full of women some even priests and no restrictions on their movements within that church .many establishments up and down this country had to change their rules so women would be treated as an equal . so why the difference ?.
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Looks like old Bangy is clean out of answers so resorting to Hollywood mode again.:roll:


Why did you ask of my wife's freedoms if not to imply some sort of a difference and when the answer is not one you expected you run for the hills? There is no lie in you being a racist troll and history bears this out Noddy keep trying to deny it if you wish.:mad:

by answer do you mean post 370 ?thats not an answer to my question its typical tabby evasiveness ,I asked you if you would have your wife have the same freedom as you in the mosque,you still haven't answered as well as your failure to answer any other question put to you,not only by me but others as well..Oh yes you answer them,your way,you talk a lot but you say nothing.

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The whole point of the thread seems according to the OP that it is a positive that Muslim women are being given more access to the Mosques than before, indeed one of the Mosques is near Fir Vale and one that many on here campaigned vigorously against not so long ago.


Yes, it is a positive move although having the temerity to suggest as such some seem to infer as racism or cultural arrogance.:roll:


So would you agree, Tab, that it is a positive move?


No obfuscation - please!

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heres another positive islamic story


""This initiative also helps British Muslims reclaim the Prophet Mohamed as a time-honoured guide for peace, compassion and social justice from those who seek to twist his teachings.""



His nine year old bride never gets any praise, why is that?




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His nine year old bride never gets any praise, why is that?





I read somewhere that orginally women did have much greater equal status in Islam. The rights granted to women in the Qur'an and by the Prophet were a vast improvement in comparison to the situation of women in Arabia prior to the advent of Islam, after the Prophet's death the condition of women in Islam began to decline and revert back to pre-Islamic norms.

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I read somewhere that orginally women did have much greater equal status in Islam. The rights granted to women in the Qur'an and by the Prophet were a vast improvement in comparison to the situation of women in Arabia prior to the advent of Islam, after the Prophet's death the condition of women in Islam began to decline and revert back to pre-Islamic norms.

This seems a contradiction to the equal status idea


It seems that Mohammed regarded women(girls) ,whatever age, as sex objects

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This seems a contradiction to the equal status idea


It seems that Mohammed regarded women(girls) ,whatever age, as sex objects


Are you trying to put me in a bad mood?:hihi:


As we know from our dear politicos and other religious figureheads and leaders, seldom do they practice what they preach.


The article that I read (and referred to) was a damning one from a woman who had coverted to Islam and was highly critical of the way in which the status of women within Islam has evolved, to their detriment. She crtiqued the way in which the Prophet's teachings had been twisted to suit misogynistic agendas, but did stress how this was originally not the case.


I'll see if I can find it.

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Are you trying to put me in a bad mood?:hihi:


As we know from our dear politicos and other religious figureheads and leaders, seldom do they practice what they preach.


The article that I read (and referred to) was a damning one from a woman who had coverted to Islam and was highly critical of the way in which the status of women within Islam has evolved, to their detriment. She crtiqued the way in which the Prophet's teachings had been twisted to suit misogynistic agendas, but did stress how this was originally not the case.


I'll see if I can find it.

I can understand asian women et al who were born into the muslim religion after all they know no other life until they come over here and see how western women live in freedom and then you may get some,teenagers especially,rebelling..What I can never understand is western women wanting to convert to a religion that by its own religious idea suppresses them.I know a lot convert for men ,but again its very rare you hear of muslim men converting to their future wives religion..Oh well it takes all sorts I suppose I gather there are women,and men, who choose to live their lives being dominated.

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I can understand asian women et al who were born into the muslim religion after all they know no other life until they come over here and see how western women live in freedom and then you may get some,teenagers especially,rebelling..What I can never understand is western women wanting to convert to a religion that by its own religious idea suppresses them.I know a lot convert for men ,but again its very rare you hear of muslim men converting to their future wives religion..Oh well it takes all sorts I suppose I gather there are women,and men, who choose to live their lives being dominated.


and there are others who aren't so blinkered.

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