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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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Man, to say that the people killed on Bloody Sunday were killed in the name of the Church of England, or that the cover up was for the religion, is sick.


The people were killed by very frightened young soldiers panicking rather than murdering. And any cover up was primarily for political rather than religious reasons. Please bare in mind that the situation was EXTREMELY fragile at the time........


Just as sick to blame Islam for revenge attacks against Western interests by disgrntled people?

Your explanations seem like lame justifications for murder, that is what is really sick.

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Is this the same world domination that Islam seeks,do I detect a hint of the green eyed monster here.....you seem to be struggling for an answer...again...Im sure that any twelve year old who takes current affairs at school can help you...brainwashed! that's rich coming from someone who belongs to a religion founded on brain washing and suppression...which brings us back to the OP and the suppression of women in the muslim religion,do you ever see a time when Women can be equal to men inside the mosques..I.e pray with them in the same room ,and dont give me that pony about being tempted by the opposite sex you tried earlier ,civilised people can and do keep such feelings in abeyance,surely you've seen men and women on tv in Christian churches worshipping as equals ,Iv never seen a x rated broadcast church service yet..Tell me is it the men or the women who are not to be trusted ?


You would be well advised to take another look at what the OP is about,....,. hint........it's not about suppressio of women.

I remind you of when I challeged you to set up a topic on Islam, you did and then did a prompt runner :lol: you are just gas.

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You would be well advised to take another look at what the OP is about,....,. hint........it's not about suppressio of women.

I remind you of when I challeged you to set up a topic on Islam, you did and then did a prompt runner :lol: you are just gas.

No you and your cronies diverted the thread and got it pulled.

I think that the op exists stands as a statement to what is perceived usual muslim attitude to women in the mosque so in that vein it does have a lot to do with the suppression of women

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Not the religion, certainly, but the fault lies with the person who thinks it acceptable to take another's life.

your just saying the same as Spindrift.

Example ..its common belief that evil as Ian Brady is he would not have killed without a catalyst,that catalyst was Myra Hindley..the same applies to these people, without religion as a catalyst a lot of terrorists would not kill,therefore it is indeed religion that is,at least,jointly to blame

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your just saying the same as Spindrift.

Example ..its common belief that evil as Ian Brady is he would not have killed without a catalyst,that catalyst was Myra Hindley..the same applies to these people, without religion as a catalyst a lot of terrorists would not kill,therefore it is indeed religion that is,at least,jointly to blame


Indeed it is no more to blame than Christianity was to blame for bloody Sunday killngs.

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No you and your cronies diverted the thread and got it pulled.

I don't think it was deleted though, what did you title it? I'll search it out

Never mind found it, was set up by you as you admitted but under TheBanginman guise, it's called The new Islam Megathread now after it's merger.

All the rubbish you are spouting now has been answered there many times, are you just a slow learner? :loj:

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Or perhaps more pertinently, it is no more to blame than christianity is in the murder of doctors who work in abortion clinics, the killers claiming that they were doing it in the name of christianity.


So noddy, will you be calling all christians terrorists for the actions of those few christians? Or will we be seeing more double standards from you?

Terrorists committing abortions ? you've lost me..I don't have double standards I abhor terrorism of any kind it just so happens that most terrorism nowadays is the product of the muslim religion.

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I don't think it was deleted though, what did you title it? I'll search it out.

Just click on my name it shows the threads Iv started that are still running,there's been that many anti muslim threads that have been or been forced to be deleted i cant honestly remember every one

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Just click on my name it shows the threads Iv started that are still running,there's been that many anti muslim threads that have been or been forced to be deleted i cant honestly remember every one
No I clicked on Bangy username instead and found how the thread started
Right in reply to tab1's challenge here we are

The general outlook on the Islam religion as reported in the media seems to one of a subdued religion which is happy to go with the flow and is peaceful and moderate,this is contrary to the widespread reports of atrocities,subjugation of women,anti Semitism etc that actually by its actions is the true face of Islam.Im sure we are all intelligent enough to learn which is the true face and Im also sure that questions need answering if Islam is going to be accepted in this country as a alternative or equal religion to our Christian background

And by page thirty two you had made little progress prompting this post from me and it seems so familiar :hihi:

Anyway it's clear Thebanginman you are more hot air than is worth bothering with. There was a lot threats of unleashing of some earth shattering quetions but as it turned out you just haven't got anything important to say but the same old same old.....garbage.

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