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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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So to summarise:


This House believes that women in Islam do not have equal status (hence the thread title) and the words Muslim and terrorism are synonymous




This House believes that women in Islam are equal and anyone who disagrees is racist

Well done for summarising a preconceived idea. Were you looking for just confirming your own prejudices all along?


Where has the racist term come about in your summary there and why? No one arguing from an Islamic perspective said so, so why the bias?

I would say those disagreeing have their own hate agenda and are not willing to debate from an honest perspective. That is not racist but trouble making for the sake of it. Namely 1ofthesedays, Noddy, TheBanginman, Linesman, GetiDone, Glamrock, The Rat, Aim4 types persona spouting the same old drivel for the sake of spreading hate and not for understanding the other point of view. You seem to want to join them now after quite reasonable debating, I am surprised.

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Well done for summarising a preconceived idea. Were you looking for just confirming your own prejudices all along?


Where has the racist term come about in your summary there and why? No one arguing from an Islamic perspective said so, so why the bias?


I've been accused of it numerous times on this thread and on others of this ilk, which is hilarious given that I have been subjected to racism myself half of my life.


My summary was of the dominant themes which emerge from all threads of this nature, why does every blasted thread about Islam end up in a row about terrorism? The OP has nothing to do with terrorism - it is about women and their accessibility to mosques.


You seem to want to join them now after quite reasonable debating, I am surprised.


Rubbish - I have no interest in derailing the discussion into a slagging off fest about terrorism, I join no one and speak for myself. I don't need to hunt in packs.

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Terrorism is usually introduced by the clique hound-dogs with snidy comments about Muslims blowing things up for the sake of their religion and the rest is history.


Just have a little read at the new Islam Megathread part 3 ( http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=5052475#post5052475 )and all the arguments have already been gone through but the hate monger scum still keep repeating the same tired old question under ever new guises, round and round we go. In that thread we got as far as post#24 when the terrorism was introduced by one of the disposable usernames.

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Terrorism is usually introduced by the clique hound-dogs with snidy comments about Muslims blowing things up for the sake of their religion and the rest is history.


Just have a little read at the new Islam Megathread part 3 ( http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=5052475#post5052475 )and all the arguments have already been gone through but the hate monger scum still keep repeating the same tired old question under ever new guises, round and round we go. In that thread we got as far as post#24 when the terrorism was introduced by one of the disposable usernames.






noddy is repeating his "most terrorism in the world is carried out by muslims" codswallop again, he disappears when he's asked for evidence to back up his wild racism.

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noddy is repeating his "most terrorism in the world is carried out by muslims" codswallop again, he disappears when he's asked for evidence to back up his wild racism.


Terrorism is global. During the hiatus between the last IRA bombing on these shores and 9/11, most people probably never even gave it second thought. However, the latter, as it was closer to home and involved Westerners, became fixed in the public consciousness, followed by 7/7. I suspect that the vast majority of the public had never even thought about Islamic issues prior to that.


That said, I do think that what people fear is censorship (self and imposed) rather than terrorism, per se, hence the 'Draw a Mohammed Day' stunt.

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Just as sick to blame Islam for revenge attacks against Western interests by disgrntled people?

Your explanations seem like lame justifications for murder, that is what is really sick.


Many of the attacks on the Western and other interests have been accompanied by videos and other communications that state it was done in the name of religion, that the perpetrators will go to heaven, praise Allah, blah blah blah.


Those attacks ARE in the name(albeit perverted)of Islam. These deaths at the hands of British soldiers clearly were not in the name of the Church of England.

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noddy is repeating his "most terrorism in the world is carried out by muslims" codswallop again, he disappears when he's asked for evidence to back up his wild racism.

Disappears !! iv got things to do idon't "disappear"..wild racism!! your not very bright are you, I don't attack any race unless of course you can show me different Evidence..9/11 7/7 ,Sharm bombings,Pakistan bombings,beheadings.come on even a blinkered idiot like you must be able to gather facts like those and assimilate them. I daresay there are other terrorist units knocking about and Im not disputing that fact but in my statement the clue is in the word majority,I could probably sit here as wildcat is prone to do and find wiki links to back my claim but I dont really see the point I know its true and you know its true you just like to sit there and incorrectly in this case,call everybody racist,I think you get off on using the word:thumbsup:

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Disappears !! iv got things to do idon't "disappear"..wild racism!! your not very bright are you, I don't attack any race unless of course you can show me different Evidence..9/11 7/7 ,Sharm bombings,Pakistan bombings,beheadings.come on even a blinkered idiot like you must be able to gather facts like those and assimilate them. I daresay there are other terrorist units knocking about and Im not disputing that fact but in my statement the clue is in the word majority,I could probably sit here as wildcat is prone to do and find wiki links to back my claim but I dont really see the point I know its true and you know its true you just like to sit there and incorrectly in this case,call everybody racist,I think you get off on using the word:thumbsup:


You don't need to trawl for wiki links....one main one answers any doubts.....the list of designated terrorist organisations.

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