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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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Those attacks ARE in the name(albeit perverted)of Islam. .


So are you saying that those attacks are not in the name of true Islam? If it's not true Islam why are you relating it to Islam?


Disappears !! iv got things to do idon't "disappear"..wild racism!! your not very bright are you, I don't attack any race unless of course you can show me different Evidence..9/11 7/7 ,Sharm bombings,Pakistan bombings,beheadings.come on even a blinkered idiot like you must be able to gather facts like those and assimilate them. I daresay there are other terrorist units knocking about and Im not disputing that fact but in my statement the clue is in the word majority,I could probably sit here as wildcat is prone to do and find wiki links to back my claim but I dont really see the point I know its true and you know its true you just like to sit there and incorrectly in this case,call everybody racist,I think you get off on using the word:thumbsup:



Can I ask where you get your information to back up your claims? Or does it just appear in your head like magic like?

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So are you saying that those attacks are not in the name of true Islam? If it's not true Islam why are you relating it to Islam?



Actually, as you have questioned it, I will retract perverted and replace it with possibly perverted.


I cannot say I have read the Qur'an, and I do not want to say that ALL Muslims are terrorists or support terrorists.....but for sure the terrorists in question are doing what they do for their interpretation of Islam.

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I wish to explain this if I may. Last time I tried to explain something another Muslim brother told me I was not a Muslim and was pretending so I stopped writing replies. What you say is true that impression is that many Muslim places of worship are not prepared to allow Muslim women in to pray side by side with Muslim men. In Islam the Muslim women are equal to the men and should be allowed into the Mosque, but what is the purpose served in mixing and standing side by side in a prayer? If any physical attraction exists then the prayer is not valid.


Equal right does not mean standing against one another but equal in having equal rights in principle. The requirement for modesty is never compromised so the need for separate areas is stipulated. If the Church has had to change now, then the church has only caught up with Islam which gave those rights to women 1400 years ago. The men folk are instructed to go to the Mosque for prayer and no such stipulation exists for women and they are free to choose to take part if they wish to.


Where there is room to accommodate then women are welcome but where there is not enough room because in reality there is no requirement for the ladies to pray in a mosque, they don't have to go. If they decide they wish to take part then it is required that a place be provided for them. Not many choose to mix with a large group of men unless they are also in a group of women. No prohibition but practicality prevents women from praying in Mosques also when they are not required to, many would see it as extra burden to go to the Mosque when they could pray anywhere more convenient. I hope that helps and my brother Muslim who called me a pretend Muslim last time believes that I mean no ill for Muslims or Christians but just better understanding.


I do not wish to argue with anyone on here so good night to all and I hope my reply helps some of you understand, I only try.

thank you for a well thought out post regarding your explanation of women in mosques . if one of your fellow muslims had given an answer like yours maybe this would have saved more bandwith and time :hihi:
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So are you saying that those attacks are not in the name of true Islam? If it's not true Islam why are you relating it to Islam?





Can I ask where you get your information to back up your claims? Or does it just appear in your head like magic like?

this is whats wrong with people nowadays

1.they cant or refuse to see whats happening in front of their own eyes

2.they are too idle or unable to work for themselves and want everything on a plate

Make good use of Wiki and use the search facility ,that's what its for,I know what's happening in the country and don't need to find links, if you dont want to that's your problem,You would be very quick to trawl for links to prove me wrong,why dont you use google and learn something,I do Iv tried googling "positive muslim actions" try it and see what you find...nada

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So are you saying that those attacks are not in the name of true Islam? If it's not true Islam why are you relating it to Islam?





Can I ask where you get your information to back up your claims? Or does it just appear in your head like magic like?

Sorry is this a question about wildcat and wiki ...it seems you dont follow his wiki fuelled posts then,I dont need to find information Wildcat supplies his own proof..unlike you at least he tries.

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im not a muslim

and i really dont hate muslims

i do feel pity for them

Its not a question of hating muslims as individuals ,its questioning the dated repressive,brutal religion that controls them..I think the apologists on here miss that point when reading posts and their constant ,incorrect,shouts of "Racist"

We seem to have a section of society who have been brainwashed into a PC fuelled blinkered haze,they cant think for themselves and if its not PC ergo it must be wrong.

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Its not a question of hating muslims as individuals ,its questioning the dated repressive,brutal religion that controls them..I think the apologists on here miss that point when reading posts and their constant ,incorrect,shouts of "Racist"

We seem to have a section of society who have been brainwashed into a PC fuelled blinkered haze,they cant think for themselves and if its not PC ergo it must be wrong.


a really good way to put across a very valid point.

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heres another positive islamic story


""This initiative also helps British Muslims reclaim the Prophet Mohamed as a time-honoured guide for peace, compassion and social justice from those who seek to twist his teachings.""


how ? by giving another human a room ?

im confused

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Its not a question of hating muslims as individuals ,its questioning the dated repressive,brutal religion that controls them..I think the apologists on here miss that point when reading posts and their constant ,incorrect,shouts of "Racist"We seem to have a section of society who have been brainwashed into a PC fuelled blinkered haze,they cant think for themselves and if its not PC ergo it must be wrong.


First of all no-one is apologising & secondly if the OP (generalisation)is discriminating against a religion or race inciting & instigating hatred (but cry any excuse going :rolleyes: by sugar coating their true motive) then what is it?

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